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>>Forgotten pt. 1<<

"Bye Taehyung! I'm going out and I'll probably be back at 11:00 okay?" Jungkook yelled out loud while putting his shoes on.

"O-Okay." I say standing in the middle of the living room fiddling with my fingers.

"B—" I before I could say anything he slams the door shut.

"Bye..." I mumble.

I sigh and sat down on the couch. "Jungkook left again..."

First, he left yesterday after school. Then he came back at 1:00 frickin a clock in the earlier morning.

Second, We didn't walk to school together today he told me he was gonna go to the store to buy lunch for himself so I left to school and then I saw him come to school with Tzuyu.

And now he is hanging out with someone again. Maybe Tzuyu? I really don't know, he doesn't tell me anything anymore.

I'm sad and lonely.

After saying my goodbyes to Taehyung I closed the door and ran out to the bakery.

While I walked I instantly spotted Tzuyu walking towards the same direction as I was.

I smiled and then run up beside her. "Hi Tzuyuie!" I say and then she makes a surprised face and she just starts giggling while hitting my shoulder softly.

"Jungkookieee!~" She whines. I just start chuckling and continue walking.

We got to the bakery then we both enter, I find a small booth and told Tzuyu to come.

She smiled and followed.

Right when we sit down Jin comes over to us and smiles. "Hello Jungkook and uh... random girl." Jin smiled.

I frowned. "Tzuyu." I say with a weird tone...

"Right uh...What would you like?" Jin said pulling out his notepad.

"I'll get a coffee, that's all..." I say smiling. Jin nods and faces towards Tzuyu.

"I'll get the same." She says smiling.

"Alright your order will be here in a couple of minutes." Jin said nodding at both of us then walking away.

"Soo Tzuyu, do you want to catch a movie after this?" I ask.

"Sure Jungkookie!"

Why is Jungkook with that girl Tzuyu? She is rude and selfish! I will never ever be friends with her or even start a conversation with her. She is rude and she is awful.

I hate Tzuyu and I always will.

"Hello Jiminie!" I cheer while running up to him hugging him.

Jiminie hugs back and pulls away while smiling. I giggle "Ready?" I say. Jiminie nods slightly and I wrap my arm around his.

"To the bakery!" I cheer.

"Tzuyuieee~" I whine while pouting. "Nooo jungkookieee~~ its mineee~" She coos while holding my hand.

I smile and just let it go. "Finee." I say. She just giggled.

As I smile at her again the door ringed and I look over my shoulder and saw Taehyung with Jimin...

As me and Jiminie raced to the bakery, I almost tripped and then Jiminie caught me but we just started laughing.

We then both enter the bakery and I froze...

Jungkook... is with... Tzuyu?

And they're holding hands...

Word Count: 608
Hello my lovelies! 🌸 It's me author-nim! I'm back with a update! I'm sorry for the wait for another update... to be completely honest with you guys I'm like really stressed out lately and allergies is really taking over me so I'm not feeling right these past days, I hope you guys can accept my apology. I'll update on Monday or Tuesday hopefully! 😁 I'm not gonna edit so, sorry for my mistakes! I love you guys so much! Bye bye! 💕



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