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It's been one hour of time thinking whether to accept Jimin's apology or reject it...

A-Ah~ I don't know I mean we can meet up and he can apologize but I don't know what to answer him with.

To: Unknown Number
Hey Jimin. I know it's been while sense we spoke to each other... and I would like to meet up with you. I would like to apologize as well.

[SENT 1:29p.m]
[READ 1:29p.m]

From: Unknown Number
Oh my god! You answered!! I'm so happy thank you so much Tae! Let's meet up at Jin's bakery at 2:30, how does that sound?

To: Unknown Number
That sound great, see you then. :)

[SENT 1:31p.m]
[READ 1:31p.m]

I sigh of relief. I guess it'll work out between me and Jimin. I mean he was my best friend since when we were basically kids.

Well I should get ready now.

"Hey Kookie!" I yell out. "Yeah Taebae?!" He yells back while taking a shower.

"I'm gonna go meet up with Jimin later at the bakery, okay? I'm gonna get ready now!" I say while looking through the closet.

As I found an outfit to wear I didn't notice Jungkook came out of the bathroom half naked with just a white towel wrapped around his waist. "Okay."

I look back to Jungkook and choke on my own spit. I blush hard and turn around then awkwardly walk to the bathroom.

The bathroom was a bit steamy but it was fine for me to get ready in(?)


I put on my pants then look at the mirror

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I put on my pants then look at the mirror. I add on some red lip tint then leave the bathroom.

I check the time and it was getting pretty close to 2:30, I quickly rush out to the front door.

As I put my shoes on I was about to call out Jungkook but I see him walking towards my direction.

"Tae. I'm gonna drop you off at the bakery. Then I'm gonna go home because my sister is probably worried sick about me." He says chuckling lightly.

I nod then grab my (beige?) jacket and put it on then walk out to Jungkook's car.


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