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>>Almost Equal<<

jungkook is still driving, and i really have no idea where we are heading.

i look out the windows and saw that we were kinda going out of town, that's until i noticed that we were going through the woods.

i got scared a little and looked at kookie, "w-where are we going..?" i ask and he looks at me and smiles.

"somewhere special. don't worry just enjoy the view." he points out and i look out the windows and saw us going up a hill and it was getting darker making me see the pretty city lights.

"okie~" i smile.

Nobody's POV
it took about twenty more minutes for jungkook to find the special view of the city lights.

jungkook parked in front of the city lights but not very close to the edge.

taehyung and jungkook got out, and of course taehyung was pretty excited because of the breathtaking view.

taehyung stood in front of the edge staring at the lights in awe, "so beautiful." he mumbled.

"i could say the same about you." jungkook smiled cheekily making taehyung look at him and blush.

"taehyung, i love you." jungkook said and turns fully towards taehyung.

taehyung looked at jungkook surprised, "y-you do?" he asked and walked a little closer to jungkook fiddling with his fingers.

"absolutely." jungkook replied with a sincere smile.

"i-i love you too jungkook." taehyung blushed and smiled at jungkook.

jungkook pulled taehyung into a hug, taehyung was taken aback but hugged back.

"taehyung, i loved you so much that it hurt. it hurt because i thought you would never love me back, i thought i would never have a chance with you." jungkook pulled away and stared into taehyung's doe eyes.

"i still do love you, a lot more than what i expected." taehyung was already tearing up looking at jungkook.

"i'm telling everyone that i desire you and need to be closer to you." jungkook holds both of taehyung's hands.

"you are a wonderful person who has allowed me to realize the important things in life." both stare in each other's eyes with sparks and happiness.

"i appreciate and thank you dearly." jungkook smiled.

"i am here and always will be. all you have to do is call me, and you know I'll answer you." taehyung smiled back at jungkook.

"you've showed me true love, something no one has ever done before." jungkook finished and felt his heart thumping from what he is about to do.

"kim taehyung, will you be my boyfriend?" jungkook asked with hope in his eyes.

taehyung smiled widely and hugged jungkook,

"of course i will be your boyfriend kookie!!"

word count: 511
heeeey. i'm back. i have a bad head injury, so i'm sorry if i didn't make some of this make sense but i'm back with an update! i'm happy to be back though! an ending is vvv close but i love you all soooooo much!❤️ anyways! that's all i liked to saay~ bye bye my lovelies!😘

 i have a bad head injury, so i'm sorry if i didn't make some of this make sense but i'm back with an update! i'm happy to be back though! an ending is vvv close but i love you all soooooo much!❤️ anyways! that's all i liked to saay~ bye bye my lo...

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(it was awesome^)


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