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I look at the beautiful boy again I could tell he was blushing so I smiled at him.

Then I walked out the bakery shop smiling like an idiot.


I walk to my home that was just around the corner and enter through the door.

"JUNGKOOK!! DID YOU GET WHAT I ASKED FOR?!?!" Munjin screamed across the room.

"Yes Munjin I did. Don't scream, it hurts my ears... I sometimes wish you were a boy." I mumble irritatingly.

"Yah!" She runs and starts hitting my head while grabbing the brown plastic bag.

"Aish!" I groan.

"Oh by the way, mum is in her room doing her yoga again~" Munjin says sounding bored.

I nod my head and run upstairs to my room and close the door shut then I fall onto my bed looking up to the blank beige ceiling.

I wonder who that beautiful boy was. He was so pretty, he looked like an angel.

I smile at the thought of him and suddenly remembered 'Tae? Is that his name?' I thought.

I sigh and just leave it. I grab my phone and turn it on.

> 7:06 p.m <

I then dial Yoongi's number and he answers after three rings

"What do you want?" He answers. "Hey are you going to school tomorrow?" I ask.

"Hmm~ me, Hoseok, and Namjoon are going tomorrow. You can come sense it's gonna be you're first day." He says while yawning.

"Okay. I'm coming." I said. "Okay. Now leave me alone I'm going to sleep." Yoongi says then ends the call.

I scoff and go to my closet then change into sweat pants and put on a black jumper.

I hop onto my bed and grab my headphones and plug it into my phone and play the song 'Let's not fall in love.' By 'Big Bang'

I close my eyes and let the darkness take over.


"Okay. Bye Jinnie and Jiminie~" I wave and walk into my house.

I walk upstairs into my room and place my bag by the door. I open my closet door and change my clothes.

I wore an oversized gray t-shirt and a pair of black boy shorts.

I get under my bed covers and grab my phone and headphones. I put my headphones in and play '써' by ideadead.

(A/N: You guys seriously need to listen to that song '' by ideadead it's a good song and the other song by BIGBANG. Thank you. c: )

I close my eyes and fall asleep almost instantly.

~ Next Day ~

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