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>>Back Up<<

A day passed and more progress is coming by! I finally found out who took Taehyung!

It was Tzuyu 100% I just need backup and another part of evidence from her.

"Look! I'm gonna need help from my friends! There is Jin's boyfriend." Before I could continue Jin hits me while blushing.

I chuckle and just continue. "My friends, Yoongi, Hoseok, and you know Namjoon." I say and look at both of them.

"But w-wait. Me and Jin are... weaklings don't you think you would need one more guy?" Jin asks arching his eyebrow.

I furrow my eyebrows and inhale a big sigh.



No one has came ever since that day Tzuyu yelled at me. It's silent. I hate it.

I miss Jungkook. I want Jungkook.

I miss my friends. I don't think I'll see them anymore. I feel like I'm dying day by day and it's scaring me!

I don't even remember how long I've been here and I don't know where I am. I don't know! I'm lost.

But I try to keep going, but it feels like nobody is caring anymore! I'm alone. Dying. Slowly.

Jungkook please. I need you to come save me.


My friends arrived just now at the bakery. So I can introduce them to Jin and Jimin.

"Yooo kook! What's up!" Hoseok says and then comes up to me smiling as usual.

"Hey Hoseok! I need to talk to you guys, this is urgent." I say and told them to sit down with me, while Jin and Jimin stand beside them.

"Have you noticed anything different?" I ask looking at them curiously.

They nod their heads slowly and answer. "Y-Yeah. You stopped talking to Tzuyu which is different..." They say making a judgmental face.

I nod and move my head. "Oh! Um! I noticed Taehyung is gone like for the longest time." Hoseok says looking at me.

I nod my head repeatedly and point at him. "That's right! Tzuyu took— kidnapped Taehyung." I sadly say.

"WHAT?! A-Are you sure?!" They say but then as they were gonna talk again the door opens catching our attention.

"Hey guys! I'm here!"


"It's dead i-in here." I say and saw the lights flickering on and off but nobody was here so I just sigh.

But then the door opens making me jump. I saw one man enter but he was wearing regular clothing.

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and saw the man approach me with a smile.

I felt scared until he took the chains off and pulled my arm making me stumble behind him while he starts walking up towards to the outside.

"W-Who are you? And w-why are you d-doing this?" I ask and as we get out he closes the door and I saw the garage door open and it was really pretty bright outside making me squint my eyes.

"Taehyung. Leave. Now." I look back and saw nothing.

Huh? Where did he go?

As I slowly walk out. I felt the breeze hit me. The cold breeze and the sun that shined on me.

Realization hit me.

I'm free.

I gotta get outta here.

Word Count: 601
Hello my lovelies!💕 Sorry for the very late update! I've been busy with my school work it's been pretty hard to update on Wattpad but I still updated for you guys! I love you all so much! Thank you for reading this chapter! Bye bye!💕 (Also sorry for my mistakes. :) )


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