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Dr. Hyun said I'm gonna stay one more day and I'll be out in the evening.

Jiminie said he was gonna pick me up when I get out. I'm glad. I'm gonna see Jiminie.

While I was sitting on the hospital bed I look at the window. I then look down to my arm and see the needle still stuck inside my skin.

I get up and pull the portable IV pole with me. I stand at the window and open the window.

It's raining

I then move my hand out and felt the cold drops of rain splash on the palm of my hand.

I pull my hand back in and look out to the road and see people crossing the road with umbrellas.

I sigh lightly and then close the window and go back to the bed

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I sigh lightly and then close the window and go back to the bed.

I get into the covers and then turn sideways. "I'll be home tomorrow." I say.

"But I'll be alone."

~ Next Day ~

I get my clothes from the accident and then I fix the bed.

I stand at the edge of the bed and then the door opens. "Hello Taehyung. Your friend is here." The nurse smiles.

I nod and then she pulls a wheel chair in. I get up slowly and sit down. I still feel a bit weak and my head still aches a little.

As she pushes me to the front of the hospital desks I start talking with her.

"Thank you Taeyeon for taking care of me. If it weren't for you I would still be weak and helpless." I say while smiling.

"You're welcome Taehyung. I'm always here to help!" She says while taking a turn to the left.

"To be honest, I'm gonna miss you Taehyung. You were one of the best patients I've had." She chuckles.

"I'm gonna miss you too. I'll visit whenever I can." I say and turn my head around smiling at her.

As we take one more turn I see Jimin standing the end of the hallway.

I felt excited to see him but if it were Jungkook, I'd be happier.

Jimin smiles at me and I smile back.

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