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"Hey guys I'm here!"

We all look at the entrance and saw Dojung running towards us. he seemed to be running away from something?

"Woah! What's up Dojung?" I ask looking at him boldly.

"I think I saw him... Taehyung."

I quickly ran off but once I get close to the gate I get pulled back.

"I got him! He tried escaping!" the man yells out loud but i quickly push him off with all my force and run off.

I kept hearing the man yell out my name but i ran having no idea where i'm going.

I took a short left turn and saw the road that I walk to when i'm going to the bakery. But as i was about to run i felt weakness and tiredness hit me badly.

I breathed heavily as i tried jogging to the bakery. I felt pain struck my whole body making me slow down even more.

I stopped for a second and as i look back i saw three men running at me.

I widened my eyes and turn around and immediately start running towards the bakery.

Once i got close to the bakery i saw everyone including Dojung in the bakery. They looked surprised

But what made me get sad and happy is that i saw Jungkook. I stopped in my tracks and felt my heart break.

Why would he be there?
Wouldn't he be with Tzuyu?

As i was about to go inside i felt a pair of arms wrap around me. I quickly look back and saw the men try to pull me away but i start yelling and crying for help.


As i heard what Dojung said. I yelled surprised and relieved.

"Y-Yeah! I thought i did see him but he was like in a garage." Dojung spoke.

I payed attention and then all of a sudden i could hear faint yelling and crying.

I look outside and my eyes widened.


Word Count: 393
Hello my lovelies! I'm back after what a month? But yeee! I'm back! I'm sorry i got super busy over the weeks! I needed to focus on school and sports! That's what is keeping me off from Wattpad! So sorry!!! I love you all so much!! Bye Bye!💕


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