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>>Friend? Dating?<<

"Jungkook!!! Me and Jimin are best friends again!!" Taehyung yells while closing the door happily.

"That's good to hear Tae." I say standing up from the couch then heading over to Taehyung pulling him into a hug.

"Aggh~" Taehyung sighs while smiling.

"I'll make dinner tonight, okay?" I say while pulling away from the hug. Taehyung nods and takes off his coat.

I turn around and walk into the kitchen.

Oh and if you're wondering, after I went home and checked up with my sister I told her I was gonna stay at Taehyung's house for a while and of course she didn't know him and so I had to tell her everything. Not everything, but everything she should know.

She was totally fine with it and when I left the house I texted Taehyung I was gonna go back to his house. :D

So now I'm here. Heh.

"Hmm what should I make?" I said while scanning through the kitchen cabinets.

"Oh! I'll make 쫄면 (Jjolmyeon)" (A/N: it's a Spicy, chewy, sweet & sour cold noodles. (; )

I walk into the living room and sit down on the couch then turn on the TV.

As I a daze out for about 20 minutes, I stand up and walk into the kitchen and saw Jungkook shredding some cabbage?

As I creep up behind him, he like sensed I was there and he literally looked over his shoulder and smiled. "Tae."

I hum lightly and spoke. "What are you gonna make Jungkookie?" I say putting my head on his shoulder.

"It's a surprise Taetae." He says chuckling lightly. I pout and walk out to the living room.


"Dinner is ready Tae!!" Jungkook yells while walking over to me.

I pout and continue watching TV. "Tae. C'mon let's eat now~" Jungkook says ruffling my hair.

I nod and answer. "O-Okay!" As I turn off the TV Jungkook immediately back hugs me while I try to wobble my way to the kitchen.

I sigh so I decided to just waddle to the kitchen. "Kooookiieee~" I giggle.

I could hear him chuckle.

As we got to the kitchen I saw the food. "WOAH! WHAT IS THIS? THIS LOOKS SO GOOD KOOKIE?" I say surprised.

"졸면." Jungkook replies smiling beside me. I look at him and then sit down.

Jungkook sits down and then we both look at each other.

"잘 먹겠습니다" (A/N: That means something like this "Thanks for preparing this, I'm going to have a good meal because of you")

I grab ahold of the chopsticks and start eating.

The whole night it was just me and Jungkook having fun. Just the two of us laughing and joking.

~ Next Day ~

Me and Taehyung were cuddling on the couch while watching TV until I got text from someone.

From: Unknown Number
Hi Jungkook Oppa! It's me Tzuyu. I wanna say I'm sorry for what I said at my party. I was drunk so everything was a complete blur to me. Forgive me Oppa?

I look at Taehyung and Taehyung looks at me then smiles. I get up from the couch and go to the kitchen.

To: Unknown Number
Um hey Tzuyu. And it's okay, it was a party so you should expect some people to be drunk.

[SENT 1:49p.m]
[READ 1:50p.m]

From: Unknown Number
Oh okay. Thanks Oppa. Do you wanna hang out later? We could be friends.

I think for a second and thought maybe having Tzuyu as a friend would be okay.

To: Unknown Number
Uh sure.

[SENT 1:53p.m]
[READ 1:53p.m]


Jungkook was sure taking awhile on his phone. I stood up and head over to the kitchen.

I watch Jungkook text someone? It looked like he was. But then what caught my attention was that he was smiling...

Is he dating someone?

I immediately slap my face and forgot what I just thought. "Kookie? Who are you texting?" I say walking over to him pulling his phone but then Jungkook turns off his phone and pulls it away from my grip.

"Nothing Taehyung." Jungkook then looks at me and walks back into the living room.

Huh? What happened?

~ Next Day ~

That is just weird. Jungkook was on his phone like nonstop yesterday and then he left somewhere but i don't know where and now he is still on his phone.

What happened?

"Kookie, lets walk together to school." I say smiling. Jungkook looks at me and smiles.

"I'm sorry Taehyung, I'm gonna walk with someone else today. I'm sorry." Jungkook says with an apologetic smile.

I nod my head and just smile it off.

Is Jungkook dating someone? Or did he make a new friend?

Word Count: 835
Hello my lovelies! Here's an update for today(?) I start school tomorrow so I'll probably update on Wednesday or Friday. I'm not editing this so sorry for my mistakes. I love you guys so much! And thank you for 2k reads on this story! Bye Bye! 💕



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