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»But Still«

I suddenly wake and saw myself in a Hospital room. I turn my head side to side and felt sudden pain struck every where on my body making me whine.

I get up slowly and look around.


'What Happened to me?'
'Why am I here?'
'What the hell is going on?!'

The only thing I remember is being pushed onto the road but I don't remember by who and then now i'm suddenly at the hospital?

I'm clueless...

The door suddenly opens and I saw a doctor come inside. "Hello Mr. Kim. I'm doctor Hyun." He says and sits beside me.

"H-Hi" I stutter feeling a bit tensed. Dr. Hyun smiles at me. "Mr. Kim how are you feeling?"

He asks. "It hurts when I move... thats mostly it. But i'm confused on why i'm here..." I say and then turn my head, looking at the flowers lined up in front of the window.


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"Well. I know that you got hit truck." I widened my eyes and look at Dr. Hyun.

"W-What?!" I say and Dr. Hyun nods. "How?" I say already knowing the answer.

"Somebody pushed you. We know who did and it was on accident." He says.

I nod my head. "W-Wait. Who pushed me?" I ask questionably.

"Chou Tzuyu. You know~ she's you're friend."

I sat there shocked.


We walked away from everyone and then all of a sudden Tzuyu yanks my arm away and then she pushes me onto the road.

I look at her with a shocked expression. And before I could say anything...

End of Flashback

Huh!? T-Tzuyu did this?! S-She pushed me? W-Why?

I'm confused.

"Oh! I almost forgot! Mr. Kim someone is here for you. Two people actually." Mr. Hyun smiles and gets up walking to the door.

The door opens.

"Hello Taehyung!"

"Jungkookie..." I say with a smile. "How are you feeling? I was worried when I heard what happened to you!" Jungkook says then walks over and pulls me into a hug.

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