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< 2 weeks later >
It's currently Wednesday 10:50 a.m. Lunch has started but I decided not to eat.

I'm to scared to do anything. I haven't been talking to Jimin, nor Jin. It breaks my heart that I can't talk to them and what breaks my heart more is that I can't go to Jungkook.

I don't know what to do. They are watching my every move. Like they know exactly what I'm doing.

But I'm doing fine? Tzuyu does watch me when she spots me. She is always with Jungkook... like non-stop.

I sigh sadly and as I finally got my stuff and left the classroom somebody pushed me back inside the classroom.

"Hey Taehyung."

"Dojung?!" I say then back away from him. He then raises both his hands up and makes a calm face expression.

"Hey Hey, calm down! I won't do anything! I swear I just want to apologize!" Dojung says and sighs.

"Apologize...?" I say confused. "Yes Apologize! I wanted to for quite awhile... that's why you don't see me that much anymore, because I realized I was being a jerk to you and I know it was unnecessary."

I tilt my head "Are you serious? After all this you want to apologize!!" I yell angrily.

"Don't yell! Look I'm so sorry for everything I did! I was being a total shit head! And also... I want to confess something..." He says mumbling the last part.

"H-Huh?" I stutter feeling a sudden nervousness hit me.

"Listen... I know I've been harassing you in a very very bad way! And I just noticed how horrible it was, I bet from your perspective you felt like you were in hell and I apologize for that, but to get to the point!" He sighs and then continues.

"I like you okay! I'm in love with you but you're dating Jungkook so I thought staying would be the best to forget about you..." He says.

I felt guilty yet confused. "Dojung, I'm not dating Jungkook. We were never a couple." I said.

"Eh!? A-Are you serious?! I thought you guys were a couple! You-" i cut him off and chuckle.

"We weren't a couple. We may acted like one but we weren't but things went downhill..." I say then felt sadness hit me.

"Aw. I'm sorry Taehyung. But just you know I'm sorry for everything and I'll be there for you, from now on." Dojung says and smiles.

I smile. "Okay~ Thanks Dojung, I not sure to trust you yet but I'll probably get there soon!" I say and then walk up to Dojung and pinch his nose.

(A/N: If y'all wondering what Dojung looks like here is a pic.)


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