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Well the weekend came by fast. The two days were boring as usual.

Me and Jungkook. Haven't talked those two days because of the project Mrs. Areum assigned us... and sense Jungkook wasn't there at the time we couldn't be paired up together.

"Jiminie do we have to go to the party?" I ask while giving him a pout.

"Yes. We agreed to go Taebae~" Jimin said smiling at me.

If you're wondering I did forgive Jiminie. Because after my hand incident, Jimin offered to walk me home so he could apologize.

~ After Hand Incident ~

"Look, I'm so sorry Tae about your hand. I don't know what got into me. It was like anger washed over me." Jimin said while walking beside me to my home.

"It's okay Jimin..." I say looking down while watching the concrete lines go past my feet while I was walking.

I look up and saw my house. I was about to walk up my porch but then Jimin steps in front of me and hugs me.

I just smile and hug back. "Bye Jiminie." I say and pull away. He smiles back and kissed my cheek then let go of me.

I blush lightly and walk inside my house.

~ Present ~

"Jiminie how do I look?" I say turning to Jiminie with a concerned look.

"You look cute Tae~" Jiminie coos. I blush and turn back to the mirror.

(A/N: What he's wearing. So cute!)

 So cute!)

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"Also hot." Jimin says. I blush even more and look back at Jimin.

"Byuntae." I comment.

Jimin raises both his hands and chuckles. I just snicker and walk out to the living room.

"Yah! Tae how do I look?" Jimin says running up in front of me.

(A/N: What Chim is wearing. Speechless.)


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