5. The unexpected meeting of the soulmates...

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Sorry... It's quite long na since I updated this story... I know..  I got busy with my other stories...

Though many likes this story and finds it as a new concept,  hilarious and different, I'm expecting a little more support from you all... I'm very eager to see some more votes like my other stories...

I'm saying so, because this is the most toughest story I'm scripting and penning down... Too many dramatic names (which I often forget 😁😁😁😁), historical background, changed genders, too many twists, huh... Hope you all will support me in this story too...

Thanks to all those lovely souls who is constantly voting and commenting on this story... Thanks to all who has voted for this story in fiction awards...if you guys can, vote for this story in adventure category...

Not proof read... Forgive me for mistakes...

Now to our shot. 5

Abhinaya (abhi) feels irritated with siddhan's intense gaze  and his naughty behaviour... She hides a fork under the table and pierce itbharsly on his legs... Siddhan screams his lungs out...

Abhinaya acts innocent and cries hardly, as if she is feeling sad for siddhan....

Abhi: Oh my siddhan ji... What happened to you??? Why are you screaming???? Are you okay????

Sid: ya... I... I'm ok... okaayyyy... Don't cry Abhinaya...

Anamika: Why are you shouting like this siddhan beta ???? Don't you have any sense... Is this the way to play??? See... My bahu is worrying a lot...

Sid: That... That.... Aah...aah... 😭😭😭😭....

(Abhi pokes again with the fork, making Siddhan to cry hardly)

Abhi: Are you alright siddhan ji??? I'm so worried about you???  Why not we can call a physician (royal family doctor) to check on you???

Sid: no... No... Just a sprain... My legs are twisted... It's paining lightly...

Abhi: (warning sweet tone) : Better keep your legs properly siddhan ji or else you have to suffer na... Please take care of yourself...

Anamika: yeah beta.... My bahu is right.... You are already sick and now this too... Now go and take rest in your chamber... Don't roam here and there...

If anything needed just call us... Dont look at me like this... Abhinaya will come and meet you too...

Abhinaya: ya siddhanji... I will meet you (to 👊👊👊👊 🍴🔪🔪🔪) for sure 😍😍😍😍

Sid: It's okay.. Don't stress yourself.... Abhinaya, I don't like if you cry like this... Smile and enjoy your stay here... Take care..

Siddhan lovingly looks at Abhinaya and shows her that how much he loves her... But Abhinaya's blood boils on hearing Siddhan and she want to rip Siddhan into trillion pieces...

All moves to their chamber, while Siddhan walks with pain and tears in his eyes... Abhinaya (abhi) is holding her stomach and is laughing like a mad girl, as she made Siddhan to cry, somehow... She turns and shocked to see Purab standing over there and glaring angrily at Abhi...

Abhinaya: Bhai... You are here... Didn't you go to your Chamber to take rest???

Purab: Abhi... Why are you doing like this haan??? Siddhan is a very good person..  I know you are the reason for his sufferings right... You shouldn't hurt him like this...

Abhinaya: Bhai... Listen to me... He is drooling on me and is eating me with his eyes and you know what, he is trying to be naughty with me and playing his leg with mine... So, I poked him with a fork... That's it...

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