12. Men and women complement each other....

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No more boring bak baks... Lets move to shot 12.

The simhan kingdom stands majestic in appearance... Queen Anamika is getting restless, as her son Siddhan Rana singha is no where to be found... The motherly feelings in her is very eager to meet her son, who had gone missing for more than a week...

Anamika prays to god that nothing wrong should have happened to siddhan... Though a country wide search is undertaken, siddhan's were abouts are not to be found...

Anamika feels restless as she is getting negative vibes from morning... She is feeling worried for no reasons... She keeps on thinking that everything should be fine soon...


The screen shifts to the hut in which abhi, pragya, aaliya, siddhan, purab and bulbul are there...

Siddhan is very furious and made a devilish smirk and laughs murderously on looking at Abhi....

Siddhan: So, no one cares about our feelings right... What's our mistake in this regard??? Why they have cheated us too... Tell me purab bhai... What wrong did we did to them???

Purab: Listen Siddhan... Blame is only on their parents... Even they have cheated their own kids too...

Abhi: I understand your situation siddhan bhai... I can feel your pain... Let's think something to make them realize the mistake and apologize before everyone... Even we can punish them for the sins, they have committed...

Siddhan: Will punishing them will make our lives to get peace??? Who is responsible for the love, which I had and who will give the love which I yearned for??? The most disgusting thing is that Ihave been madly in love with a boy and longed for a boy... All proved that my love is worthless na..

Purab: Calm down Siddhan... Let's talk this with patience... So that we can find solution to this issue... We can draw into wrong decisions, when we are angry and furious ...

Siddhan gets angry and places the sword in Abhi's neck saying that he will punish abhi for the mistakes his parents has commited to him...

Before Purab and Abhi could react to that sudden attack, Pragya barges in and keeps the sword in siddhan's neck with a dead glare...

Pragya roars: Take that sword from my Abhi's neck... Or else.... You will be killed brutally in my hands...

Siddhan smirks; Wah... wah... Trying to threaten me... The great warrior Siddhan rana singha... Silly girl... Feeling pity on you...

Pragya gets furious: Don't boast about yourself... If you have guts, come let's have a fight... Then decide who is the best...

Siddhan: Smart move... Playing well hun... You know very well that I don't fight with girls and that's why you are talking as if you are brave enough to face me... One attack by me, you will be dead....

Pragya: Girls... 😬😬😬😬... my foot... Do you think girls are weak... Listen clearly... You were to be going to be a husband of a girl, who is to rule a big kingdom... So, do you think that the girl as weak... Shame on your thoughts ..

Never mind... Come let's fight... Dont worry... I was brought up as a boy... Only a week before, I came to know that I'm a girl... So, don't think much... You are a coward, so you are fearing about me...

Siddhan: I don't mind... Come let's have a fight...

Purab: This is unfair Siddhan... Leave her... Pragya... It's not need...

Abhi; Hey Puru bhai... Don't worry... My princess. Pragya will do it and show this siddhan Bhai what is to mess up with her... Don't you know how she fight with me and you... So leave it bhai... Let her handle this egoistic siddhan, herself...

Royal Unbelievable Wedding - Abhigya SS By CrazyMahiz.. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now