19. The Royal Unbelievable wedding ( part. 1)

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Thanks for all those wonderful support....

Dedicating this chapter to my loving buddy mona Live_Till_It_Hurts who always nags me to update this story... Don't know what makes you to like this story this much mona.... 😂😂😂😂...

So, we came to the second last chapter of this story... As its a big shot, Im splitting it into 2 parts...

Now to shot. 19 (part. 1)

The simhans (parents of siddhan rana - king  Mithran and Queen Anamika), the vermans (parents of bulbul and pragya - king. Arjuna and Queen sunaina kumari) , the prathipans (parents of abhi and the guardians and the chacha n chachi of purab bhalla - Queen Madhurikka and acting king Vijendra) , the milunans (parents of aaliya chandini - king Manudeep and queen Urmila kausalya ) are sitting worriedly in front of the famous and powerful saint who came all way along to meet them....

As the arrangements for the grand wedding is going on in full swing, the four kings and the four queens are sitting completely drained out as they were being called for an important issue to discuss...

They are very nervous on seeing the hard and cold reaction from the saint... The furious and angry face of saint makes them to get horrifed and drown in sorrow and their minds are lingering with various questions...

They prays to god that nothing wrong should happen and interrupt the weddings of their kids... Each passing of second is like an year for them and their patience also decreases with the silence of the saint...

KING Mithran (siddhan's father) : Swamiji... Its been more than two hours since you have called us... We have left all the wedding preparations and came here and you have not been speaking anything...

Just few more hours only left for the wedding to take place... Can you please tell us why you asked all of us to come here so soon... Is there any problem??? Have we done any mistake???

The saint shouts:
A big sin has been committed... The unforgivable and unacceptable blunder is done knowingly... God won't forgive the sinners ever...

They have to pay back for the sins they have committed... They have to be answerable to everyone for the biggest blunders of their lives....

The vermans and the prathipans were startled and starts to sweat very hard knowing that they have done the biggest sins of their lives by hiding the true identity of their kids and also going to conduct an unlawful and unbelievable marriage...

They feels really guilty for doing the biggest sins which they have done knowingly for the welfare of their country but they don't have the guts to face anyone or answerable to anyone...

They kept mum and leaves everything in god's hands... The stupid egos of being the kings and queens never allowed them to accept and regret for the mistakes they have committed willingly...

King Mithran: Oh my god... We are not aware of what sins we have committed swamiji.... It wont affect the weddings na... The kids will be heartbroken if anything wrong has happened...

Is there anything to be done to wipe away the sins... We are ready to do any sort of sacrifice or do any poojas or do any vradha too... All we want is the kids should blessed to have a happy life....

Saint : Yes... The sin is very big .. A big sacrifice have to be done by you all .. Not only you all, your kids also have to do this... Are you all ready to do that???

All (in unison) : We will do it swamiji.... Order us what we have to do....

Saint : Whatever happens the wedding should be done without any delay... None of you are supposed to meet your kids or near them...

Royal Unbelievable Wedding - Abhigya SS By CrazyMahiz.. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now