11. Accepting the bitter reality...

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Thanks for all your love and support... Sorry for being late...

No more boring bak baks..  Let's move to shot. 11:

The great Verman dynasty is standing majestically... The king Arjuna Rathore Verma and Queen Sunaina kumari is in their royal chamber... The king can visualize that something is making his queen to get worried...

Arjuna: Devi sunaina... Why are you being restless??? I can see something is bothering you...

Sunaina : I don't know Maharaj... For the past two days, I'm feeling restless... Something in me is telling me that something good and something bad has happened..

Arjuna: My loving queen... I think you are missing bulbul and pragyan right???

Sunaina: I'm a maa  first... How am I not miss my children??? But the thing worrying me is about Pragyan...

Arjuna: What about pragyan??? He is brave enough to protect him and his sister well enough... He is a well trained warrior and I'm proud that our prince Pragyan will rule our kingdom way too better than me...

Sunaina (sobs):  But what we are doing with pragyan is wrong right??? Not only pragyan, we are going to hurt princess Aaliya too...

Arjuna: Devi...

Sunaina: It's the truth right maharaj... How can a girl marry a girl??? How can they be happy in this unbelievable and sinful wedding??? Our one selfish reason is going to spoil everything and the girls will be broken for sure...

Arjuna: How can you say that to be selfish??? We did for our citizens well being only..

Sunaina: I accept we did for them... But did we ever think of Pragyan's happiness and happy life... Whenever he longed to wear dresses like bulbul, my heart will prick me... She has lived a life of a boy, which she hated the most...

You know maharaj... She asked me many a times, why she was born as a boy and not as a girl??? Now, if we get her married to Aaliya means, we are going to push both of them in a living hell...

And moreover, these days pragyan was not given herbs too... I'm scared what will happen if she has attained puberty??? What will be bulbul and pragyan's condition if they know about this bitter truth???

Won't they be broken???? Will they trust us??? Won't they feel hurt and will they forgive us for the biggest sin we have done to our pragya..."

Sunaina said the word pragya and cried her heart out... Even the king is also startled with his queen's outburst and he too is praying to god that their kids should forgive them..


The screen shifts to the prathipan dynasty... Queen Madhurikka Mahendra pratap and acting king Vijendra simha is spendng their time in the garden...

Just then a soldier came and handed over the message for the queen... Vijendra gets it and starts to read it and a big smile creeps on his face...

Vijendra: Its a good news my queen... A letter from Anamika di saying that our Abhinaya is doing all the rituals wholeheartedly....

Madhurikka: I told you vijendra ji... That abhinaya will change for sure...

Vijendra: She has mentioned that too... How abhinaya cared for siddhan a lot... I think she started to like him.. So. Di is asking us to think about getting our daughter married so soon...

Madhurikka: our pleasure... Really a good news... But, the thing is abhinaya is getting aged but she has not attained puberty na... what shall we do now??? Shall we call the royal physician for any solution...

Royal Unbelievable Wedding - Abhigya SS By CrazyMahiz.. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now