6. Blooming love....

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Thanks for all your support... Expecting some more support and encouragement from you all...

Sorry for being very late... Strucked up with my other stories...

Not proof read... Forgive me for silly mistakes, if any...

No bak baks.... Let move to our shot. 6

The elegant Miluna dynasty is shown.... The camera zooms and gets inside and freezes on a dimple cheeked beauty.... Her face is revelaed...

She is none other than Princess

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She is none other than Princess. Aaliya chandhini who is betothred to our pragyan (pragya)....

Her eyes are pleading and her lips are trembling.... She is nagging her father King. Manudeep veerah and her mother Queen. Urmila kavsalya for something....

Aaliya: Papa... Mumma... Please allow me to go.... I can't stay here happily when my  pragyan ji is suffering in forest ...

Manudeep: Why are you not understanding Aaliya beta???? Prince Pragyan has accompanied Princess Bulbul for an important work... What are you going to do there????

Aaliya: Papa... I want to go there... Please... Let me go there...

Urmila: Aaliya... You are not supposed to go there... You have not yet married pragyan... It's a custom and only Bulbul and Pragyan can do that....

Try to understand and don't trouble us... If anyone finds out that you're there, it will create a problem to our kingdom....

Aaliya: Please trust me... No one will know I'm there... I will change myself looks like a common girl, who lives in forest.... Even Bulbul bhabhi and pragyan ji can't identify me...

Please .. please ... Allow me to go... Let me help them without interrupting their works n rituals... Atleast i will be happy to serve them...

Manudeep;: okay beta ... I will allow you to go...

Aaliya twirls and jumps in happiness... She shouts " Pragyan ji... I'm coming for you"

Manudeep smiles: Aaliya did you like pragyan that much??? You are ready to go and stay in forest just to serve them... You wont have any comforts in forest...

Aaliya: I wont mind tht at all... Nothing bothers me.. wherever my pragyan ji is , its my paradise papa... I can do anything for him...

Yes papa, I love my pragyan ji so much... I know he does not pay any heed to me or even look at me... But my heart beats only for him...

Urmila: Then why to delay... Let's fix the marriage date soon after pragyan and bulbul returns from forest ..

Aaliya blushes and hugs her mom and runs from there happily...

[Authors note: To make it clear... In those days, child marriage and early marriages are very common... Aaliya n pragyan (pragya)  are in their teens... Pragyan is only a month elder to aaliya...

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