16. Trapping the sinners...

557 115 103

Thanks for the huge response and for the love and support....

Happy to inform you all that this story is also very close by to 1000 votes .. Almost 940+ votes crossed  with a maximum of 73 votes to its credit... Can I get it before the next shot??? Will you guys do it for me...

May be 3-5 shots , I will wrap up this story... I know pretty well many hasn't read this story...  But I'm very happy to know that many loved this story a lot and many said to me personally that this is a different attempt by me...

Really guys, this is the most toughest story which I've written... For writing a single shot, it will take me 3-4 Days... The earliest chapters were really tough for me to pen down as I've to imagine abhi as a girl and pragya as a boy and I often forget the names too ....

One more thing, this story " Royal Unbelievable wedding" is written by me "Crazymahiz" and it is copyrighted fully to me...

Please don't ask any of my co-authors to update my stories... It's really embarrassing and I'm shocked to see that comment asking them to update my story..

To clear all your doubts, I have created a new book with index of all my stories... Do check it out please or go to my profile and clear it for heavens sake...

Plz my humble request, not to trouble anyone using my name and it really hurts me a lot....

Okay.... Enough of my bak baks...

Now to shot. 16:

King manudeep veera and Queen Urmila kausalya (Aaliya chandini's parents) looks at aaliya and siddhan holding their hands together nervously... Aaliya is fearing for her parents reactions while siddhan is comforting her saying that he will be with her always...

Siddhan's parents King. Mithran and Queen Anamika are expecting a response from Aaliya's parents...

Mithran: Manudeep maharaj... What are you thinking??? We are waiting for your reply....

Manudeep : What's there to think Mithran ji ??? Im not a hard rock to spoil my daughter's happiness... See how they are together.. I wont separate them... Aaliya was born for pragyan but reality is that no such pragyan exists...

Moreover when all are okay with this marriage, why will I say no to this proposal.... Im happy for this marriage and I will accept siddhan as my daughter's husband...

But I have one condition... Only if it's fulfilled they can get married whenever you wish...

Abhi interrupts: Oh no... Again a condition... Please king manudeep, dont stop this marriage... Siddhan bhai deserves happiness... He has also suffered a lot because of me... He dreamt and loved me thinking me as a girl...

He has lost his belief in love, life and trust in marriage... But its my sister aaliya who brought life to him... You can do anything to me... Please unite them without any conditions..

Manudeep: Hmm... Prince. Abhi... Im having the condition only for you.... If you fulfill it, Im okay with this marriage...

Abhi: Im ready to do anything for them....

Pragya too joins abhi: Even Im ready to do anything Uncle ji... Because aaliya also suffered because of me... Iv hurted her a lot... Im ready to accept any punishment for them as siddhan bhai and aaliya deserves happiness...

Moreover, I cant leave my abhi to suffer alone... Whatever you wish to do, Give it to me.... But, please don't make my abhi to suffer....

Manudeep: I cant believe this... The rude and strong princess . pragya is ready to do anything for her love... Not bad...

Royal Unbelievable Wedding - Abhigya SS By CrazyMahiz.. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now