20. What you sow, so shall you reap... (part 2 of last part)

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Thanks for all the love and support... So, here comes the final part of the last chapter.... Hope I will give a long epilogue soon to draw the final curtains for this story....


Words in bold : Abhi's speech...

Words in italic: Story said by abhi...


Warning alert:

This chapter will have the drastic punishment given to the sinners... Strictly no bashing and negative comments are allowed...

If you can't tolerate that or if you are there to argue that the sinners deserves some mercy and forgiveness, better skip this part...


So, without further adieu, let's move to the shot...

The crowning ceremony takes place in a grand manner and all the citizens of the three kingdoms, the people and royal families from various places are watching the unbelievable scenario...

But before the kings and queens takes the oath, a king (Abhi) came forward and stood before the citizens and all are puzzled as what is going on.... The king raised his hand and gestures everyone to keep quiet....

He turns back and bowed before his wife or literally saying the queen (Pragya) who sworn in as the prathipan dynasty's ruler... She keeps her hand on her husband's hand and walks forward with elegance and pride....

King: So my dear people and everyone present here, I thank each and everyone for attending all our weddings and showered us with your lovely wishes and blessings...

Now we have been sworn in as the kings and queens... I know you all will be puzzled as to why we didn't take the oaths till now and why you people are restricted to chant and praise the names of the kings and queens...

Moreover, I know pretty well all are eager to see our faces right... You all would have doubted why our faces are hidden during our marriages and now too...

I'm here on behalf of all of us standing right in front of you to reveal everything... The final decision is left in your hands... We will take the oath afterwards only... Shall I proceed???

The crowd cheered up and showed their acceptance for the king to continue...

King: Well as you all know, we are standing before you, as the heirs of the persons given birth to us and to rule over the kingdom after them...

But an unforgivable thing has happened, which is out of mere stupidity... I can't understand what's the difference between a man and a woman , a girl and a boy, a prince and a Princess, a king and a queen...

Both men and women are born from a mother's womb... Both have equal place in the society and it's unfair to differentiate between them, in terms of gender...

I know all will be confused and irritated as to why I'm talking all nonsense... I've a reason behind all these... Let me tell you all a small story...

There was a kingdom in which only the male child of the king has the power to rule the kingdom... But the king was not blessed enough to give birth to a boy instead god has blessed has blessed him with a clever and brave daughter who can make any man to fall in her feet because of her bravery and beauty....

So you all can ask, what's the big deal if the king is not blessed with a baby boy and the princess can very well rule the kingdom or her husband can rule on her behalf right ....

Royal Unbelievable Wedding - Abhigya SS By CrazyMahiz.. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now