7. Naughtiness overloaded....

803 118 82

Your crazy/ Mahii is back again...

Many starts to nag me to update this story... Though this story has not got more votes, but this story is very special to me, because its very tough to imagine Abhi as a girl and Pragya as a boy and that too in decades far behind... I'm taking it as a challenge for me...

I know very well that many truly like this story and asking me for updates .. I got a maximum of 48 votes to this story... But it does not bother me at all... I'm satisfied with the response from my true well wishers and buddies...

So without further bak baks, here comes our 8th shot with lots of truth revelations to open up one by one from now on and many twists ahead too...


Abhinaya touches pragyan's warrior suit and she felt completely different... She feels something , some good feel, some unknown pleasure in her body while touching pragyan... Pragyan too completely lost in abhinaya's touch...

Pragyan: Ab... Abhiiii...

Abhinaya: hmm... Tell me prag...

Pragyan: uh... abhii (moans) What are you doing to me??? I'm feeling different in your touch...

Abhinaya: Really!!!! I'm too feeling that... But...

Pragyan: What but abhi... Don't feel shy... Tell me...

Abhinaya: I'm not supposed to touch you...

Pragyan: hmm.... Me too should not allowed you to touch me and I should not have touched you too...

Both suddenly screams: noooooo....

Abhinayan: no... Prag... I can't do this... Why did you screamed??? Is there any problem???

Pragyan: Yes... I'm betothred to princess Aaliya chandhini of miluna dynasty... Tell me why you screamed now...

Abhinayan: hmm... Me too was engaged to prince. Siddhan rana singha of simhan kingdom before I was born....

There was complete silence between abhinaya and pragyan... They hug each other tightly and did not utter a word, but their eyes are welled up and they just stand there in each other's embrace to cherish the moment...


Exactly at that time....

Purab and Bulbul parts apart after a long kiss... Both blushes too hard...

Purab: Angel... Are you for real??? Am i hallucinating???

Bulbul: 😊😊😊😊...yes ... Im real... You did not feel me, my touch and my kissss....

Purab pulls bulbul closer: ofcourse... I did not expect that my dream girl standing before me with a breath taking attire, coming close to me, hugging me and kissing me... I did not expected that... this is my lucky day...

Bulbul: 😊😊😊... Hey my handsome warrior... You pulled me like a magnet with your eyes... Im completely fallen for you....

The great Princess. Bulbul Rathore verma who has not smitten by any men in the world has completely gone mad on seeing you .. I cant resist myself... 😊😊😊😊...

Purab: Really... Im so lucky and im very happy that my dream girl, my beauty queen who has stolen my heart with her single picture, who has never allowed me to sleep by her hearty smile is fallen for me is a great miracle.....

Bulbul: Really Did you know me before and you too like me ??? Tell me your name na???

Purab: Princess... Im purab dheva bhalla of prathipan dynasty... Im a close relative of queen madhurika and im the guardian and knight to protect my little sis abhinaya who is going to be the future queen of the prathipan dynasty...

Royal Unbelievable Wedding - Abhigya SS By CrazyMahiz.. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now