8. Unbelievable love....

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Thanks for all your support.... Thanks to all new readers.... Im happy that the last part has got 55 votes...

No bak baks lets move to shot. 8:

Bulbul is walking too and forth... She could not believe what has happened... She is completely annoyed ad she feels how on the earth such things has happen....

She felt dejected and her heart ached that their parents has done a greatest sin which none of the parents in the world have ever imagined... What they did was inhumane and an injustice to everyone... They are not supposed to do this kind of intolerable things towards their kids...

Bulbul was boiling in anger... She wished to go to the palace and to bash her parents mercilessly... But she is controlling her anger and she is completely confused what she has to do now...

She does not know what it is going to happen further... She can't come into any conclusions... The things which worrying her most is that what answer will she give to the poor girls Aaliya and Abhinaya (Abhi)... Bulbul is completely pissed off, why life is playing cruelly in their lives...

Bulbul is in the verge to cry... She wants a shoulder to cry her heart out and pour her helpness.... Just then she remembered the man, his purab who stole her heart to be by her side to give solutions to all her problems....

Bulbul is waiting impatiently for Purab to come soon... She spots Purab coming there in a hurry... She did not mind anything at all... Though Bulbul is a very bold and a princess with lots of attitude, she is also a girl, who is hurted with the unacceptable betrayal happened ...

She runs as fast as she could and hugged purab tightly... Purab is completely startled with the sudden push but he composed himself and steadied him and holds bulbul properly in his embrace...

Purab could not figure out what is bothering bulbul and why she is crying like this... Already he is in a dilemma and he too is struggling in a confused state... He almost got a heart attack, when his love of life is crying like a baby and finding solace in his arms...

 He almost got a heart attack, when his love of life is crying like a baby and finding solace in his arms

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Purab hugged Bulbul tightly and kept her in his arms, as if safeguarding her from the dangers .. He pats her back and consoles her by giving feather touch kisses on her forehead...

Purab has no other choice than to control Bulbul .. She is not at all in a mood to listen to him at Ll... She keeps on crying... Purab suddenly starts to kiss Bulbul in her trembling lips, which calms her down, as it is a sort of promise by Purab to be on her side, whatever happens....

Bulbul: poo... Pooh..

Purab: What happened princess??? Why are you crying like this???
Is there is any problem??? Did any enemy men attacked you???

Hey... where is pragyan???? Is there any danger to him??? He is alright na...

Bulbul: Prag. .. pragyan is fine... But...??? Purab... 😭😭😭😭....

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