20. What you sow, so shall we reap... (Part. 1 of Last part)

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Finally, we are here in the last part of this story... I know Im very very late to update the final part and my new story is not yet started because of this story...

Sorry guys I don't want to rush up the ending and my brain was very lazy to think now a days ... So, sorry for the delay.... This part is too lengthy so im splitting it in two parts... 

Im expecting all your love and support to end this story in a happy note... So, dont bash me and I assure you all that I will come up with a long epilogue for sure...


Author's note:

My new story "Lost my shadow" wil kick start from coming sunday...
So, Nov. 12, you will get the first update for sure... Iv started penning down the first shot already and if possible I may come up earlier too....


Thanks for all those love and support you have given to this story till now...

So, all enjoyed the three different versions of suhagraat of the three couples right... 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈...

Now to part. 1 of shot. 20 (the final part):

Time will never stop doing its duty... It doesn't stop for anyone or anything... It's always in our hands to use such precious time in an useful and worthful manner...

The newly wedded couples Abhi and pragya, purab and bulbul, siddhan and aaliya are enjoying theor intimacy and closeness in a blissful and romantic manner...

Though they are drowning in their love, they are little bit worried about the crowning ceremony and all the  dramas that is going to take place on that day... Abhi made a brilliant plan and all are happy to execute it in the  well expected manner...

The evening before the crowning ceremony, all the couples are eating their dinner in the Royal dining hall which is filled with variety of dishes... The happy smiles and teasings of the lovable couples are filling the place...

But four eyes are completely sad and not at all mingling in anything or neither paid to anyone's heeds... The most romantic out of all, the naughty ones abhi and pragya are sitting apart and is looking at their plates angrily and gulping the food unwantedly...

Bulbul was the first to notice that abhi and pragya are not at all in a mood to listen to anyone and talk too and they are  looking very pale and dull... She gestures all to keep quiet and asked them to look at abhi and pragya...

Purab: Abhi... What happened to you??? Why you are so quiet today??? Pragya... Why are you sitting away from abhi??? Did you guys had any fight???

Pragya: No jiju... Its not like that... It's not essential that a husband and wife has to sit together always...

Abhi turns furious and hits the table hardly: Then who will sit together... So, nothing is essential to you right... You and your thoughts are always only important to you and you don't care for anyone's feelings na...

Go ahead with your ways pragya... Who am I to say this all to you???
Remember if my wish is not fulfilled, no one can see me alive... Did you get that, you idiot biwi of mine??? 😤😤😤😤😤😤

Abhi shouts in anger and pushes the chair in fury and walks away to his chamber without having his food properly... No one understands what's going on and why abhi is reacting like this...

Bulbul yells: what's going on here pragya??? What have you done to abhi??? Why abhi is reacting like this??? Tell me what stupid stunts you have did to make abhi this much angry???

Royal Unbelievable Wedding - Abhigya SS By CrazyMahiz.. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now