19. The Royal unbelievable wedding (part. 2)

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So, we are nearing the closure... Only one part left followed by an epilogue... Will finish off this story soon...

Expecting all your love and support to finish this story with a happy note... Silent readers, will you guys do it for me and give the maximum votes ...

Got a maximum of 76 votes... Expecting some more...  Fingers crossed...

So, second last chapter's part. 2 is here... Click the 🌟 button and proceed further...

🌺🌺🌺 Warning Alert... 🌺🌺🌺

🙈🙈 Mature content ahead...🙈🙈

Those who are not comfortable and below aged, kindly skip this part....

🌺🌺 Read at your own risk... 🌺🌺

I'm not at all responsible for the consequences....

Just giving general warning... Dont expect clichy and adult rated explanations... 😉😉😉😉

Now to part. 2 of shot. 19:..

Siddhan Rana is sweating way too hard when he nears his chamber to meet his newly wedded wife,
Princess. Aaliya chandhini... The teasings of Purab and Abhi made him to get way too nervous and tensed...

 The teasings of Purab and Abhi made him to get way too nervous and tensed

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Siddhan's pov.: Oh God!!!! Why am I reacting like this??? What happened to me??? Why am I tensed and nervous like a girl??? Phew... Too bad siddhan...

You are going to be the king of this simhan dynasty in next week... You are a great warrior and you never got feared for your enemies...

But why am I shivering like this as if Im going to face a ferocious lion... Huh... For God's sake remember, you are going inside to your very own chamber and your wife aaliya is only there...

Calm down siddhan... Be a man... Relax... Its your suhagraat and nothing  much to worry ... Take deep breath....

Don't panic and do anything stupidly and upset your wife Aaliya... She will kill you if you didn't impress her tonight .. Come on siddhan.... Ya I will do it... Aaliya Im coming for you... "

Siddhan enters the chamber taking very slow steps, after gaining all the strength and confidence in him.... He panicks and  is completely startled when the door is being locked up with a full force when he enters the chamber...

He started to sweat hard to see Aaliya is standing there in a s**y attire and with a naughty smirk in her face... Siddhan is shocked  when aaliya blows kiss and winks at him...

Siddhan almost fall  down in bed with nervousness when aAliya nears him with a seductive smile in her face... Aaliya slowly starts to close the distance between them...

Royal Unbelievable Wedding - Abhigya SS By CrazyMahiz.. (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now