Part Three: Special ward and Diagon Alley

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.Hermione's outfit. I imagined it with tight, dark green jeans instead of those black ones, and the sleeves being more tight around her lower arm.

We stand in a big, white hall. It looked almost like a hospital, I think. Mr Warren opens a dark oak door and reveals a small, modern apartment. The main colours were black, grey and white.

"I think I'll leave you to settle down. If you need anything, just call," Mr Warren says, closing the door behind him. I stand there with my bag in my hand and look around. I take out my stuff and give it a place in my new home.

I put on a silk camisole with matching silk shorts, both silver coloured,  and step into my bed. I try to sleep, but it was veryy difficult after today. But finally, after minutes of turning around under my blankets, I go to deep sleep. Tomorrow with Mr Warren towards Diagon Alley, I think with a sigh. It was bound to go wrong.

The next morning I take some new clothes, underwear and socks to my private bathroom. It was pretty nice, with a rain shower, big bathtub and double sinks with a big mirror above it. I step under the shower and after that I dry myself.

I put on my new clothes and look in the mirror. My curls were taken down by the water but with my wand I fix that. I put on black nail polish, black lipstick, black mascara, black eyeliner and smokey eyeshadow in the colour dark green.

Someone knocks at my front door and I over to it. There stands Mr Warren. "Hello Miss Lestrange, are you ready?" "Yes, just let me put on my shoes," I reply, walking towards the couch. I put on some black sneakers and grab my bag with money.

He grabs my arm and I Side-Apparate with him to Diagon Alley. "Where do you want to go first? Flourish and Blotts, or Madam Malkin's Robes For All Occasions maybe?" "First Madam Malkin's and then Flourish and Blotts, if that's okay with you?" "As you wish, Miss Lestrange."

After the fit and measure of a new uniform we walk through a smaller alley with my new uniform in a shopping bag. We walk towards a new shop when Mr Warren holds me back by grabbing my arm. "Mr Warren, what's wrong," I ask.

He nods towards Mrs Malfoy and her son, Draco, at the path right before our noses. I gasp and he holds his hand before my mouth. "I will charm your appearance back into Hermione Granger again so they won't recognise you," he whispers in my ear.

I nod and he mutters the Glamour-spell. I look into a shop window next to us and see my old Hermione-self in the same clothes and make-up I put on this morning. He pushes me into the shop and looks carefully around for any danger.

"HERMIONE, HOW NICE TO SEE YOU DEAR," a woman's voice yells. I recognize that voice out of a thousand others. Mr Warren and I turn around to see Mrs Weasley running towards us with behind her her family and Harry.

Mrs Weasley hugs me tightly and I smile, hugging her back. "I have missed you so much this break. Why didn't you stay with us," she asks, looking in my face. "Hello Molly, hello Arthur. How are you all," Mr Warren asks.

"We are good Rickon. What are you doing with Hermione here, I thought you were supposed to guard a girl in a life-threatening position," Arthur asks calmly, shaking hands with Rickon. "Yes, that is this girl."

The Weasley family and Harry gasp and look shocked at me. "Oh, poor Hermione, sweet dear! I didn't know, who threatens her life then?" "That doesn't matter. What you're asking is information that won't be shared until the Ministry has decided differently," Rickon says, holding some of my books.

The Weasleys, Harry and I hang around in Flourish and Blotts when we see Mrs Malfoy and Draco walking in. "Look what we have here, the bloodtraitors, the Boy who Lived and the Mudblood all at one place. How nice," Draco exclaims with a sneer. Warren stands before me, protectively. 

"Draco, my dear, stop this and ignore these... hum hum... normal peasants," Mrs Malfoy says with a sarcastic smile. They walk further into the shop and Warren takes my books. "We get you out of here as soon as we can," Warren whispers and he walks to the cash desk to pay for the books.

Not much time later he comes to me, grabs my upper arm tightly, drags me out of the shop and Apparates to the Ministry. "Stay on this ward and entertain yourself," he says, handing me my stuff.

I sigh and walk through the oak door which leads to my appartment. I put my stuff away when someone knocks on my door. "Who's there," I ask.

"Hello, my name is Rosalin Ramsay, may I come in?"

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