Part Fifteen: Malfoy Manor

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"Are.. are you really," Bellatrix stutters and she stands up. I want to back down but Dolohov grabs my arm tightly. "Let go off her, you filthy prat," Rodolphus spats angrily at the man behind me. Dolohov looks at the Dark Lord, who nods.

"Yes Dolohov, let go of young Miss Lestrange. You see her father and mother don't like it and you don't want to get on the wrong side of Bellatrix or Rodolphus." He quickly let go off me, looking very afraid. I rub my painful arm when a shadow towers over me.

It was You-Know-Who. "I think you should.. put on something more appropiate. Bellatrix, Apparate to your home quickly and fetch something for her." "Of course my Lord," Bellatrix says with a smile as if her day couldn't get any better.

After Bellatrix Dis-Apparated, You-Know-Who gestured to a chair. "Sit down, child. Don't be afraid of us, we are your.. family." "You are no family of mine," I sneer calmly, looking with cold eyes at him. He laughs.

"Your eyes remind me of your mother. Doesn't she looks like that when Bellatrix is angry, Rodolphus?" "Yes, a complete copy of her," Rodolphus replies with a grin. I feel uncomfortable and stare at my bare feet.

"So.. I heard you are very good at Hogwarts' classes," Narcissa Malfoy starts. I look up at the woman when I see the face of her son, who sits next to her. He smirks in his Malfoy-way. My lips form a small, straight line. "That's correct, though I don't see why you would care for my grades."

Mrs Malfoy looks hurt by that and stares down at her feet. I felt a little bad that I made her sad, but I didn't show it. Who knows what they can use against you here..

"Hey Granger, you don't have to behave like the pathetic fool you are to my mother," Draco snarls, standing up and pointing his wand in a threatening way at me. I don't move, knowing this will only make him angrier.

"Draco, stop threatening your cousin," Lucius orders his son calmly. Draco looks disturbed back at his father. "You let her talk like that to mother without consequences? Why is she so damn special to everyone here! She is just a filthy, pathetic little Gryffindor and nothing changes that!"

"DRACO, GO UPSTAIRS," his father snarls angrily, getting a red face which completely mismatches his long platinum blonde locks. Draco opens his mouth in surprise but then storms out off the living room, running up the stairs.

Bellatrix Apparates in again with a pair of leather black boots to the ankle, a short black dress with lacy sleeves and a necklace with long cord hanging at her wrist. "Come on dear, lets get you into these clothes," Bellatrix says and her one free hand reaches in the air for someone, probably me, to grab it.

Well, I had no other choice, had I? I stand up and grab her hand. She walks up the stairs with me and then drags me into a large bedroom. "Who's bedroom is this," I ask her. "One of the many guestrooms. You could have it, my sister said." "Sister?"

"Narcissa. We are both Blacks, didn't you know?" "Black as in.. Sirius Black?" "Yes, he is my cousin." "Was, you mean. You killed him," I reply and I look sternly at her. She shrugs and hands me the clothes.

"I'm very uncomfortable for asking but.. do you need.. uhmm.. something for under those clothes? I don't know if you have.. have already something." "I probably need some," I reply with a reddened face. Bellatrix smiles, strokes my cheek and then, out of nowhere, hugs me.

"I missed you darling. I was immediately in love when I held you, but then.. they took you. I was so heartbroken, just as Rodolphus was. We thought about you a lot during our imprisonment. Even when we heard you were dead."

I couldn't help but think that this all was actually kinda sad for the most ruthless Death Eater of You-Know-Who and her husband.. After all, she did loose a child and loosing a child sounds horrible..

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