Part Sixteen: The Dinner

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I look at the dress while Bellatrix is gone to fix some.. more clothes for me. She later returned with a pair that made my jaw go down to the floor. It was black, obviously, lacy and very.. hum hum.. mature.

"Here, this was the best I could Transfigure at this moment." "Wait, what was this then?" "Just some casual underwear, nothing to worry about. No one will miss it." "Couldn't it just have stayed casual? This makes me.. a bit uncomfortable."

"No one will see it over that dress, don't worry about it." "I hope no one sees," I mumble but so soft that Bellatrix didn't hear me.

After changing into the clothes and putting on the necklace and boots I stand before the mirror. My black curls were nearly exact in the same hairstyle. Mother grabs my shoulders and leans with her head on my shoulder.

I felt two things: part uncomfortable and part.. a sort of happiness. It made me feel good to make people happy, and I couldn't make Bellatrix happier by just excisting. The same was for Rodolphus and Draco's mother.

"Uhmm.. how do I look," I ask to break the silence. "You look gorgeous, my darling. Perfect, the Seer wasn't lying when he told us about you." "Who was that Seer by the way. And what did he told you exactly," I ask hesitantly. Did I really want to know?

"Well, I can remember it really good. I was just pregnant and we didn't know anything about the gender, your health or anything like that. That Seer came by for a talk with the Dark Lord when he 'saw' you. He couldn't help it but told us everything about you. You would be a beautiful girl with strong powers. Very strong, very beautiful, very smart and also a very sweet child. I think his name was Henry Prewett."

"Prewett, is it family of Mrs Weasley?" "Yes, it is her brother, I think. Not very important by the way." But I still thought about it. Mrs Weasley's brother was in contact with You-Know-Who? Did Mrs. Weasley know about that? Did she know that her brother talked about the future best friend of her son and daughter?

Bellatrix took me downstairs to the dinning room. I guess I would have to eat with them. I didn't realise it was so late already. Bellatrix sits next to You-Know-Who, with next to her her husband and then her brother-in-law. On the other side sit Lucius, next to him his wife Narcissa, then Draco and then someone who smelled disgusting. Like dog. Not that he didn't look like a dog, but that is so harsh to say.

"Miss Lestrange, come sit down. Lucius, move, I want the Lestrange heiress to sit next to me." Lucius sits down on another seat and You-Know-Who signs me over. I move to the chair next to his and sit down. While the others were eating I look around in the dinning room, observing every tiny bit of the luxurious dinning room.

"Come on Miss Lestrange, eat something. You look so slender." I decide I shouldn't fight with Voldemort, so I grab my fork and knife and begin to cut my vegatables and meat. Voldemort nods in approve and takes a gulp of his drink. It looked like wine.

"House Elf, give this child something to drink,"You-Know-Who commands. I grit with my teeth when I see a tiny House Elf, who looks terribly afraid, pouring some orange juice in my goblet. 

"Thank you," I mouth to the House Elf. He smiles and quickly runs out of the dinning room, leaving his masters with me. Alone. 

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