Part Four: Snape's house, Diagon Alley and Gringrotts

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.This first scene takes place in the house of professor Snape. Narcissa Malfoy and Bellatrix Lestrange have just arrived.. Now, this is Narcissa's point of view.

I walk through an alley between two houses, my sister on my heels. Bellatrix mumbles angrily and glares at me, but I try to ignore her. "Cissy, you can't do this. He can't be trusted," she hisses. "The Dark Lord trusts him," I reply in a whisper. "The Dark Lord's mistaken." 

We hear children's laughter and I press my back against the wall, Bella following suit. We wait until some of the disgusting Muggle children were gone on their bicycles when we go further. I knock on the door of the house directly next to the alley and wait.

A figure appears before the door. It's Wormtail and he opens the door for us. Not much time later we stand in Severus' living room, a fire flaring in his fireplace. He sits in a cozy chair, closing the Daily Prophet. "Run along, Wormtail," Snape says calmly before whipping his wand and closing the door in Wormtail's face. 

He gave me and my sister a glass of wine and I begin to speak about why I was there. "I-I know I'm not allowed to be here, the Dark Lord himself forbade me to speak of this," I begin, but Severus cuts me off. "If the Dark Lord has forbidden it, you're not to speak. Put it down Bella, we musn't touch what isn't ours." I glance at my sister, who dramatically puts down what she had touched.

"As it so happens I'm aware of your situation, Narcissa." "You? The Dark Lord told you," Bella asks. "Your sister doubts me.. Understandable, over the years I played my part well, so well I've deceived one of the greatest wizards of all time." Bella makes a snorting sound but Snape speaks again. "Dumbledore is a great wizard, only a fool would question it."

"I don't doubt you, Severus," I say. "You should be honoured Cissy, as should Draco," Bella says, continuing to rummage through Severus' house. "He's just a boy," I say, looking Severus in the eyes. "I can't change the Dark Lord's mind, but it might be possible for me to help Draco." I stand up from my seat.

"Severus.." I begin walking up to him when Bella speaks up. "Swear to it." We both look at her as she smirks. "Make the Unbreakable Vow." When neither Severus nor I speak, she walks closer and begins to whisper. "It's just empty words. You give it his best afford, but when it matters most you just slither back into the hole. Coward."

"Take out your," Severus says slowly, surprising Bella who turns around with surprise written onto her face. Soon after we locked hands, Severus spoke out his vows and just when Bella and I were about to leave, Severus spoke once again.

"I haven't forgotten which day it is today, Bella." We turn around and suddenly Bella's face is scrunched; she was holding back her tears. "Oh yes, Severus? You actually cared enough to remember it?" "I do. You might not think high of me, Bellatrix, but she was my goddaughter."

"What good of you," she snarled. I put a hand on Bella's arm to hold her back from leaving. "Nobody forgot about today, Bella, but nobody wanted you to feel saddened." "HOW DO YOU EXPECT ME TO NOT FEEL SADDENED? I LOST MY DAUGHTER EXACTLY 16 YEARS AGO, CISSY! MY ONLY DAUGHTER, ONLY CHILD! SHE WAS TAKEN FROM ME MOMENTS AFTER I GAVE BIRTH TO HER!"

"We know the stories, the rumors that have been spread under the high Ministry officials, Bellatrix," Severus says calmly. Bella's mood seemed to even get worse. "They have killed her, they had sent a letter in which they claimed that while Rodolphus and I sat in Azkaban." "I am so sorry Bella. I miss her too," I reply.

"Come on, we need to leave," Bella snarls, stomping out of the house. I look with an excuse in my eyes at Severus before leaving his house. I put the hood of my coat over my hair while I Apparate myself back to Malfoy Manor. I had to go to Diagon Alley with Draco to buy his things for Hogwarts.

Not much later Draco and I walk through the streets of Diagon Alley. "Mother, I need my books from Flourish and Blotts now," he sighs nonchalantly. I noticed he was getting enough of shopping, or especially, the stares from everyone here.

"Let's head towards that then." We walk into the shop when Draco smirks. "Look what we have here, the bloodtraitors, the Boy who Lived and the Mudblood, how nice," he says, looking at the Weasleys, Harry Potter and that Mudblood-girl named Hermione Granger.

I feel ashamed that she has the same name as my dead goddaughter, while she is a filthy Mudblood. An Auror from the Ministry of Magic stands before that girl, like he protects her. Draco my dear, stop this and ignore these... hum hum... normal peasants," I say, smiling sarcastically at them.

Draco walks off with me to find the books from the booklist. "Was that needed Draco? People don't like it if you insult 'the Boy who Lived'." "I don't care what people think mother, I hate that boy, but I maybe hate that filthy mudblood more." "Don't care about such people, Draco dear. But I can tell that I'm curious as why such a high Auror is doing so protectively about her."

Draco and I walk to Gringrotts bank to get some extra Galleons for him and give the key to our vault to the goblin. "Hmph, another pureblood," the goblin mumbles. "What do you mean by that," Draco asks coldly.

"Well, today was another ancient pureblood here. A Lestrange, I thought." Wait, what? "Who was it? What did she look like?" "Why should I tell? That is invasion of privacy." I drop a couple of Galleons on his desk, looking deep in his eyes. "Tell me.. now."

"Okay okay, I don't know much about her. Just a young girl with black curls and darkbrown eyes, she looked pale." "What was her name?" "I don't know." "WHAT WAS HER NAME!" "I don't know Mrs Malfoy, she got some money from here. Maybe you should ask Clark, he went with them down in the vault." "Where is he?" "I shall call him for you," the goblin promises them, tingling a bell.

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