Part Thirty Five: The plan works and a defeat

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Bellatrix and Voldemort walk up with me towards Harry and Ginny. In the middle of the way we all stop. Tears stop streaming. I look Harry in his eyes and bite my lower lip. "Give her and I'll go with you," Harry says calmly, holding a hand out for me.

"STOP HARRY, IT'S A TRAP," Ron yells. We all turn our heads to the ginger, who stands there with a red face of anger. He steps towards us and pushes Harry away. "They're trying to get you by using Lestrange."

"She has a name Ron, she's called Hermione," Ginny snaps at her brother. "SHE'S A TRAITOR AND I WON'T LET HARRY GIVE HIS LIFE FOR THAT!" The knife on my throat tightens and I straight my back, just to get the knife a bit off my throat. Bellatrix breathes over my shoulder, smiling at Harry, Ron and Ginny.

"Give Harry or she lays on my feet, bleeding to death," she says calmly. "Why would you threaten to kill your own daughter," Ginny asks. She looks at me with sadness. "Please.. please please please," I whisper. It comes as begs rolling over my tongue.

"Come here Mr Potter, or she will face the consequences," Voldemort says chilly. I swallow. Harry pushes Ron away, but Ron doesn't give up so soon. He drags Harry away and Ginny follows to yell at him.

But it didn't turn out well for me. Bellatrix presses the knife in my throat and slices. I grab for my bleeding throat and I hear Ginny yelling in agony. Her yells didn't hurt much, the wound hurts. I fall on my knees and then on my stomach. My brown hair covers the floor around my head and I close my eyes. I drift into a cold, dark sleep...


It hurts to slice the throat of my own child open, but it was necessary. Hermione lays there, bleeding at my feet. Miss Weasley screams, pulling on her boyfriend's arm and yelling at her brother it is his fault. Mr Potter looks devastated.

"What now, my Lord?" "Wait a minute Bella, first we get Hermione out of here. Rodolphus and Narcissa will heal her," he whispers so quietly that nobody would hear it.

I mean, you didn't think I would kill my own child, did you? It was all part of the plan! Potter will feel guilty for Hermione's death and hand himself over, the brave character he is. I can say that this plan is one of the more brilliant ones of the Dark Lord.

I would rather have he told me, Rodolphus and Hermione earlier, but you can't have everything in war. Potter feels already guilty, according to his face. Hermione's face looks so pale you would think she was dead.. really convincing.

"I.. I'll give myself. Hermione's death is my fault," Potter says too loud to his friends. Potter walks slowly over to us while his crying girlfriend got hugged by her mother.

"Finally.. Harry Potter," Voldemort whispers loudly. The Dark Lord signs me to go back to my family. Narcissa and Rodolphus walk forward and grab Hermione by her arms, dragging her to the Whomping Willow.

They will heal her.. my daughter will live. It was the only reason I took a part in this plan. Voldemort walks forward and grabs his wand. "We wouldn't want to end this so poorly, would we, Potter?" Harry Potter shakes his head and grabs his wand.

The fight didn't last long and Potter had to give up. He was too sad and too much filled with grief about his best feminine friend that he couldn't stop thinking about her while fighting with Voldemort.

That was what costs him his life. "Ginny.. know that I love you.. Ron, please protect her and.. and our baby," Harry whispers in his last breath before closing his eyes forever. His girlfriend cries over by her brother when I came to realize something.

Baby, was Miss Weasley pregnant? Hmm, that was something I didn't expect. Lucius places a hand on my shoulder and squeezes it. We can sometimes scratch each others eyes out, but on times like this we knew what we had from each other.

Death Eaters run out to arrest the lasting people from the other side or to party over their victory. I walk over to the Dark Lord and tap him on his shoulder. That was when he turned around.

"Yes Bella?" "Can I visit her?" He knew who I meant and nods. "May I pay her a visit as well, when she's better?" "Of course my Lord."

Lucius, Draco, Rabastan, Severus Snape, Theodore Nott, the Greengrass girls and Blaise Zabini walk with me towards the Shrieking Shack. I hope Hermione is alright, it would be all my fault if she wasn't..

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