Part Twelve: Malfoy Manor celebrates

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After Draco and his friends got up they Apparated away to Malfoy's home: Malfoy Manor..

"Unbelievable, that they just Stunned us," Theodore Nott scowls angrily. "Keep your voice down Nott! Draco.. are you alright," Blaise asks, looking at his best friend. I didn't react and paced to my bed, sitting down and looking at my feet with my hands in my neck.

"No, I am not damn right! Didn't you see Granger? DIDN'T YOU SEE HER," I yell at my friends. The boys from his group back down from his angry behaviour. "Malfoy, what does this mean," Nott asks in frustration. Realisation shot through me and I got quickly up and walked downstairs.

"MOTHER," I yell while I run downstairs. Behind me I hear the footsteps of my friends on the stairs, trying to keep up with me. I enter the living room and I see not only my mother, which I suspected was the case, but also my father, my uncle and aunt, Rabastan Lestrange, some other Death Eaters and even the Dark Lord himself.

I quickly bow my upper body when I hear the boys running in. When they see the same they also bow. "Rise, young men. Tell us why you are yelling through the house." I clear my throat and turn my head to my mother. "Mother, you will never believe what I saw today." 

"Well, tell us Draco. What did you see? You were in Diagon Alley, weren't you?" "Yes, we were in Diagon Alley and now we.. uhmm.. met Granger." "Why is that so important that you needed to scream through the house," my father sighs but mother punches him in the ribs.

"Go on Draco," she signs. "Ahum.. when we.. played a bit around with Granger she.. uhmm.. changed." "How do you mean 'change'?" "She suddenly got long, black curls, a pale skin, she grew taller and skinnier and her eyes were more dark than usual. Like a Glamour-charm was broken," I explain calmly, eyeing everyone in the room.

The room gasps. Minutes of a painful silence pass by when I clear my throat again. "Does this mean what I think it means," I whisper. Mother looks at me with tears in her eyes and nods. "Probably."

Then, my aunt Bellatrix, the most feared Death-Eater, breaks down in tears. My uncle Rodolphus hugs her uncomfortable and even he looks hurt. The Dark Lord rises from the chair, raising his hands to shush the hubbub.

"Young Mr Malfoy, you are sure you saw a young girl with black curls, dark brown eyes and a pale skin?" "Yes my Lord, she looked exactly like my aunt, but to be honest a bit more beautiful." "How old was she?" "I don't know how old Granger is.. around my age maybe?" "So she is 16 perhaps." "I can be so, my Lord."

He looks at my aunt and nods at her. "We will find her and take her from whoever holds her back. She will return to her real family, I promise you Bellatrix." My aunt looks at him and thanks him.

"Draco, why do you have red streaming out of your head," mother shrieks in fear suddenly. She runs towards me with drawn wand and looks between my blonde locks. "I got Stunned, just as the others," I say, signing over my shoulder at my friends who still stared at the group of people. 

"What just happened," I hear Theodore muttering to no one in particular. "Young Mr Malfoy, who did the Stunning spell," the Dark Lord says. "Some Aurors, my Lord. When we woke up later, everyone was gone." "They probably protect the girl, my Lord," Dolohov says.

"I already thought so, not that it holds us back. Boys, watch that girl when you return to school. Keep her in your sight, I want to know everything about that girl that's possible." "Well, I already have some information. She is Chaser at the Quidditch Team of Gryffindor and she is best friends with Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley."

"Hmm, curious. The Ministry and the Order of the Phoenix will protect her then. Don't worry Bellatrix, after all those horrific 16 years we will get her back. She belongs to her family, not to the Ministry or the Order. That, is a promise." All the Death-Eaters yell in joy and open the Butterbeers and Firewhiskeys to celebrate the returning to life of Hermione Lestrange.

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