Part Thirthy Seven: The story behind Voldemort

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When we land in the office my uncles immediately drag me further, followed on their heels by the other family members. They lay me in my bed and Severus tells me to drink a kind of potion. 

"It will help healing your throat and it makes sure you won't lose your voice." I smile at him in gratitude. "Come on dear, you need some more sleep," Narcissa murmurs, pushing everyone out.

After some minutes the door to my room opens and I open my eyes, looking at the double doors. Theodore Nott walks in and sits down on the edge of my bed. "Hi Hermione.. how are you?" I stick my thumb in the air and smile at him.

"Great, great. Hey Hermione, do you mind if I do something?" I frown my eyebrows in confusion but nod, eager to find out what he wants. He squeezes my hands and leans slowly in. His surprisingly soft lips stroke over mine and I close my eyes. He is a great kisser, you had no other choice but to admit that.

But then the doors fly open and an angry Rodolphus, Severus, Lucius and Rabastan stand in the door. "Touch my daughter one more time and you have to sleep for the rest of your life with one eye open," father threatens, looking menacingly.

Theodore quickly jumps up and stares terrified at dad. I make a growling sound and stare angrily at my family. How dare they, interrupting a very good kiss? "Leave the room of my goddaughter, NOW," Severus says, raising his voice. When Theodore is too afraid to move, Lucius and Severus both grab him by his neck and throw him out of the room.

Three days before the end of this annoying week the door opens and I look up from my lunch. Father and mother walk in, accompanied by the Dark Lord. "Good afternoon, Miss Lestrange. How are you feeling?"

I grab a piece of parchment, write something down and hold it up. "I'm fine. May I ask what you're doing here?". "You may, Miss Lestrange. I have promised that I would pay you a visit when you were feeling better. Your parents thought you were, especially because you found the energy to snog with Theodore Nott just a couple of hours after the war."

Rodolphus's jaw clinches and Bellatrix looks like she could murder someone right now. My cheeks turn bright red and I bite my lower lip. "Bellatrix, Rodolphus, may I talk with your daughter in private?"

My parents nod and leave us alone, closing the door. Voldemort mutters some spells and then drags a seat towards the side of my bed. "Miss Lestrange, do you remember that I once told you I would explain why I did the things I've done?"

I nod slightly, staring into the eyes of the noseless, bald, nearly green Voldemort. "Well, I have decided I should tell you today. Once, when I was still Tom Riddle, I loved someone, despite the odds I was created with."

My eyebrows shoot up in my forehead and my mouth falls open. Voldemort chuckles at my reaction. "You probably thought I couldn't love anyone, did you?" With shame I nod my head again. "You aren't the only one Miss Lestrange. However, this one girl was the only one keeping me away from the path I was walking. She kept me on the safe side. Her name was Ariadne, Ariadne Weasley."

My eyebrows, which had sunk a little, shoot up again. "Haha, she was quite the amusing girl. Always joking, her red curls moving wildly as she laughs. Green, living eyes. Yes, she was the girl of my dreams." I write a sentence down and hold the parchment up.

"What happened?" He sighs, driven with immense sadness. "It was terrible. Her parents and her cousin, Arthur, didn't want me around her anymore. They thought I was dangerous, nothing good for her. In the vacations they held her home and on school we were not supposed to meet. Arthur was always around her since then."

How sad.. Tom Riddle was in love with someone but because they took her away, they unintentionally took the last barrier for becoming Voldemort away.

"The war is over, you can search for her again, or not?" "No, Miss Lestrange. She saw the devil I had become and she wanted nothing to do with me ever again. She once told me that after I found her again. Now she's married to a Hufflepuff, has 3 children and she doesn't even think about me probably."

A tear streams down my cheek at this sad lovestory and I grab Voldemort's hands. It was quite weird to comfort the Dark Lord, but in this time it was needed. "Thank you Miss Lestrange. I shall let you rest."

He stands up, presses a kiss between my black curls and leaves the room. I don't know if I should be happy or afraid with that. Just before he really leaves he turns around in the doorgate, looking at me.

"If you want it, I can prevent your family from killing Mr Nott. Especially as Young Mr Malfoy seems ready to do it any moment soon." So that was why he looked angrily at Theodore when the Death Eaters came to get me for the end of the battle. My head snaps up to him and I eagerly nod.

I mean, I have to admit I kinda like Theodore..

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