Part Thirty Four: "This is all part of the plan, Miss Lestrange."

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We hear movement. "Hide, hide quickly," Theo whispers quickly, waving his hand. Everyone of us quickly jumps up and hides somewhere in the corridor. Bill and Charlie Weasley pass by with their younger twins.

"I don't see any bodies here left. I think we had this part of the castle,"Bill comments. "Wait, look over there," Fred says, pointing at the end of the corridor, the different way from where we were. They walk over and I can see them pulling up a body and dragging it away. It was Seamus Finnegan.

When the Weasleys and the dead Seamus were gone we step out of our hiding places. It was soon noticed that I stayed quiet, sitting on the floor all on my own. "He was a Gryffindor, wasn't he?" "Yes Blaise, he was. Haha.. he once asked me out. I turned it down.. I feel quite guilty now."

"Don't Hermione.. just don't, you owe him nothing now he's dead," Draco murmurs softly, squeezing my hand that rested on my lap. "Thank you Draco.. I have the feeling I owe you so much-" "No problem cousin."

We hear some commotion. People were fighting again. We hear people yelling for Harry Potter. "HE LIVES", we hear. "Was Potter dead then," Astoria asks in confusion. I shrug, literally having no idea what was going on.

There was again movement very close to us. "Run," Zabini hisses. He and Daphne stayed behind to curse our attackers. Draco has my wrist and Theodore has Astoria's.

But we were closed in. With our back to each other we stand in a circle in the middle of the corridor. Shacklebolt and a man who I don't know stand on one side, Ron and Dean Thomas on the other. Draco, Theodore and I are turned to the adults while Blaise, Astoria and Daphne are turned to the teens.

"Touch one of us and you're as dead as Dumbledore," Blaise threatens. Auch, that one was hard. "We only want the Lestrange girl and you can all go free," Shacklebolt says, glaring at me with hatred and disgust. Am I really that bad in their eyes?

"Touch my cousin and you will never have rest, not even in death," Draco growls, tugging me closer by him by my wrist. This all makes me very angry. They were thinking of attacking us? Fine, let them feel the consequences then!

I felt a power growing inside of my body, a power I knew I couldn't control. My veins turn black on my skin and my body is shaking. "Hermi-Hermione," Theodore stutters. My eyes go blacker than a moonless night and I feel my body.. growing?

My body begins to fade and I end up in a kind of black tornado around my body, while I self was more of a black shadow-silhouette. I begin to walk slowly forward with one black heel. Shacklebolt and the unknown Order member step back in fear.

"What is this for magic," Astoria gasps. "I have no idea, but it seems like she could ruin the world in one snap of her fingers," Blaise replies. I walk further and the tornado knocks Shacklebolt off his feet, smacking hard to the wall. His head leaves a bloody spot on the wall and he falls down on the ground.

After smashing Dean, Ron and the unknown person to walls and even through the gape of the broken window, my body turns back to normal. I breathe heavily and my chest moves fastly. 

"Wicked.. I didn't know you could do this," Theodore whispers in awe. "Well, me neither," I mumble. "It is probably the prophecy Hermione. 'All powerful', this looks pretty powerful," Draco comments.

"We need to keep moving, otherwise more will come," Daphne says quickly and we run further. We reach a hallway when we see some Death Eaters. "Great, we have found them. Lestrange, the Dark Lord needs you."

We all look confused at each other. Draco nods and walks up to them. "I won't let you take my cousin with you if you don't show me your Dark Mark." "Good, you are protecting her. The Dark Lord will be proud of you, Malfoy," one of them says.

All roll their sleeves up and the Dark Mark is clearly visible. "Great, we can trust you. Hermione, you can go with them," Draco says calmly. I smile, press a kiss on his cheek and walk with them.

It doesn't last long until we reach the Dark Lord. "Miss Lestrange, may I ask you to trust me," he asks, his back turned to me as he stares out of a window onto the battlefield. "For wha-" It felt like someone cracked an egg on my head. When I turn around and see myself in the window I shriek. I was Hermione Granger again!

"What is the meaning of this Voldemort," I yell at him. "This is all part of the plan, Miss Lestrange." He nods and someone walks up to him. My eyes widen when he gets a knife in his hands. '"I begin to hesitate on trusting this plan, Lord." "Don't worry.. everything will be fine." He hands the knife to.. my mum.

We walk towards the stairs before the front door of Hogwarts, a knife on my throat. My mother holds my forehead with her right hand and with her left hand she holds the knife. People begin to gather on the stairs and some react shocked.

It was a strange sight indeed: a mother, threatening to kill her daughter she craved for so long. A tear streams down my cheek, leaving a clean trail in my in filth covered face. They even changed my clothes so I was more 'Granger' again.

Harry and the Order stand before everyone else on the stairs. "Even threatening your own family Bellatrix? How pathetic," Harry says, looking bitterly at me. I know he didn't forgive me.. I know he never would.

"Hihi, I indeed threatened her. Come here Potter and give yourself over or she's dead," Bellatrix giggles with a smile. "Coming over for a traitor? Why would I?" "Because you love her.. you love her dearly. She's like your little sister, isn't she," Bellatrix with a crazy laughter.

"I.. I do," Harry sighs, tears threatening to escape his eyes. "So, Potter, surrender or poor, young Miss Granger dies." "Please Harry," I beg him. The knife hurts on my throat and my tears stream freely over my filthy face.

"But Hermione, you chose them yourself," Harry comments, confused. "I WAS WRONG HARRY! I SHOULD'VE NEVER TRUSTED THEM! PLEASE HELP ME," I yell at him, wriggling in my mother's grip. The first blood trickles down my throat into my clothes, draining them.

Ginny pulls on Harry's sleeve and Harry sighs. "I surrender, but we cross halfway," Harry replies. "Good," Bellatrix says and she pushes me forward. This was going to be interesting..

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