Part Eighteen: To be continued..

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Someone shakes me on my shoulder and I open my eyes. I look into the eyes of Narcissa Malfoy. "Hello darling, sorry I have to wake you up while you sleep so sweet but the Dark Lord wants you downstairs."

"Why does he want that," I ask her while I sit up and rub my eyes. "I don't really know by now, but come with me dear." She throws the blankets off me and gives me a pair of soft slippers. I put those on and walk with her out of the bedroom and down to the living room.

There sits everyone: You-Know-Who on a single chair, looking like a king. My father and my uncles Lucius and Rabastan sit on a green couch and my mother, Draco and now also Narcissa sit down on another couch next to that one, also green. I just stand there, pretty uncomfortable. 

"My dear Hermione, do you maybe know this man from something," You-Know-Who asks, signing at Fenrir, who was just brought out of the shadows by Dolohov and McMallian. I begin to shiver when I see that man again and look at my feet. Through my eyelashes I can see Draco balling his fist.

I wasn't the only one who saw that. "Mr Malfoy, do you know something more about this," You-Know-Who asks, now turning his cold gaze at Draco. Draco gets pale and looks up to face Voldemort. "You know something, Mr Malfoy. I command you to tell me what." Draco looks up at me and I look back. I nod one time, ferm.

"Well.. this afternoon, right after dinner, I went up for my room when I saw Fenrir Greyback attacking my cousin," Draco replies. My mother and father, Lucius, Narcissa, Rabastan and even You-Know-Who look murderously at Greyback.

"You promised to keep your hands off the girl, Greyback," Voldemort snaps at him. Greyback begins to growl. "What happened after that, Mr Malfoy," Voldemort asks without looking away from Greybacks eyes.

"Well.. I saw them of course and I Petrificus Totalus-ed Greyback. I brought Hermione to her room and then everything was over." "What happened before Mr Malfoy turned up, Miss Lestrange," You-Know-Who asks me now, still without looking away.

I swallow when I look at the snake-like face of Voldemort. "Just tell darling, you don't have to be afraid," Bellatrix tries to convince me calmly, smiling encouraging at me. 

"Well, I was lost because everything here looks the same and Greyback grabbed my arm and said why we didn't look for his guestroom. He grabbed my hair and sniffed at it.. pretty gross. Luckily Draco turned up, otherwise I wouldn't know what would have happened."

"Hmph, curiously," Voldemort mumbles, playing with his wand between his long fingers. Bellatrix blows up. "YOU, YOU FILTHY PERVERT! YOU KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF MY CHILD OR YOU WON'T HAVE HANDS LEFT! YOU ARE LUCKY YOU AREN'T DEAD BY NOW," she shrieks, walking over to me, pressing my head to her chest and hugging me tight.

It looked like she tried to protect me with her own body. "Bellatrix, calm down please," Voldemort commands. "But.. but my Lord," Bellatrix begins but she got interrupted by You-Know-Who. "Greyback, I thought I said to you you should keep your hands off the children of this house, because to the kindness they show of letting us stay in their home?"

"You.. you did," Greyback replies, looking at his feet. "So you just ignored my orders and cross them? You know how I treat people who ignore my orders," Voldemort asks, looking dangerously.

Bellatrix takes me slowly to a couch and pushes me down. I see my family looking worried at me, but also at Voldemort. You-Know-Who stands up and points his wand at Greyback. "CRUCIO," he yells and Greyback falls down in pain and agony.

I squeeze the hand of my mother tightly, hating the sound of his screams for forgiveness. "I WON'T FORGIVE YOU GREYBACK FOR IGNORING MY ORDERS AND ATTACKING MISS LESTRANGE! CRUCIO! CRUCIO CRUCIO CRUCIO!"

I shut my eyes tightly and nearly break my mother's hand with my squeezing. After some long minutes Voldemort finally stops. I open my eyes again and see Voldemort sitting down on the chair again.

Greyback looks beaten up and got dragged away by Dolohov and MacMillian. "He won't ever touch or bother you again Miss Lestrange. You are safe, I promise," Voldemort ensures me calmly, even smiling at me.

Weird.. that Voldemort could smile.. Kinda interesting. 

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