Part Fourteen: The Unknown Man

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The following days I saw what Draco meant: there was always a Slytherin student around me. Even in the toilet I saw one and it was very intimidating. I had the feeling I was always watched. Not that that wasn't the case, I mean, the Slytherins and the Ministry watched me already, so I didn't had to care anymore, I think. But that Easter break I had something very curious.

I drink my coffee while reading the Daily Prophet. Again people who stated they had seen Voldemort. I became very tired by that sort of people, people who thought that could possibly happen.

I was in my Lestrange-look and in a black, silk bathrobe which reaches my ankles. Someone knocks at my door. I throw the Daily Prophet on the coffee table and put the cup down on the saucer. I walk to the door and open it to see an unknown man. He was an Auror, I see his badge, but he wasn't someone from the Safety Ward.

"Hello, can I help you?" "Hello Miss Granger, good morning." Strange.. everyone here calls me Miss Lestrange. Who was this man and what is he doing here? "Who are you and what are you doing before my appartment?" "I am an Auror, little girl. I have the order to take you with me." 

Wait, no one had taken me somewhere before without other Aurors. They usually said: 'Go in your room, lock the door.' This was strange.. I didn't trust this. I move slowly backwards and try to grab my wand from the table.

"Miss, come immediately with me," the man hisses angrily, moving inside my appartment. 'To where? Where do you want to take me?" "That is none of your business, silly girl. Come here and go with me!" "NO, I DON'T TRUST YOU SO I WON'T COME WITH YOU," I yell at him.

The man became angry and grabbed my arm. He tried to Apparate, I feel it, but you couldn't Apparate in or out from the safety ward. "Damn it,"  the man mumbles. He drags me out of my appartment and I try to fight him off, but he didn't let me go.

He drags me into the Entrance Hall and a lot of people watch us. The Aurors attack us but the man Apparates away before the spells could hit us. We land down in a dark room, but he seemed to know the way out of it. He opens the door and drags me out of that dark room into a corridor with big windows.

I didn't have much time to look and take the corridor in as the man caught my attention. "Walk with me girl," the man commands me. I shake my head but then he grabs my black curls and drags me out of the corridor, down three stairs and into a large, luxurious room.

There sits Draco Malfoy with his parents, my mother Bellatrix, my father Rodolphus and someone who has to be Rabastan. But there was the man this whole war was about: the Dark Lord.

The man who held me quickly bows for You-Know-Who and pushes my head down so I bowed also. "I have the girl. She was doing very difficult, so I had to be hard-handed." "Let go off her, Dolohov." The pressure on my black curls leaves and I stroke my hair.

"You hurt me," I scowl at Dolohov, but he shrugs. I suddenly realise I'm still in just my black bathrobe, but those people didn't seem to care. "I told you: 'we had to wait only a little longer'," Draco says with a smirk on his lips and I pull my bathrobe tighter to my body.

This was uncomfortable..

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