Part Thirtheen: Quidditch Field

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I return to Hogwarts and go immediately to the Gryffindor Tower. I put on my Quidditch robes, puts my hair in a ponytail and grabs her broom. Then, I walk towards the office of professor McGonagall.

"Hello McGonagall, I need someone to guard me while I'm training at the Quidditch Field," I say while I put my head around the door. She was talking to Snape, I know see. "Oww, Miss Granger. I will come soon, give me a moment."

"Oh McGonagall, I will guard her so you can go on with your work," Snape offers, staring straight at me. It makes me feel uncomfortable and I move a little bit. "Severus, you don't have to do this if you don't want to," she says.

"I will gladly watch out for young Miss Granger. Come with me Miss, you need to train for the next Quidditch Match," Snape says, walking out quickly. I nod at McGonagall that it is okay and I run after Snape.

"So Miss Granger, I wish you great luck," Snape says and he sits on the stands, watching me with crossed arms. I grab my broom and fly up, higher and higher. I hex the Bludger to zoom around and follow me. It was so I could learn new feints to avoid that Bludger.

Two hours go well and it really helps but then I didn't see the Bludger coming.. and got hit at my arm. I hear my bones breaking so loud I wonder if they could hear it at Hogwarts. Then, I scream. 

That makes Snape look up at me and running to the field to catch me while I fall down. He mumbles a spell in a try to heal my arm. "Merlin Miss Granger, there you got me shocked." "Why would my well-being mean anything to you? You don't even like me, you rather despise me and my friends."

"I.. I.. can't explain it.. I need to go," he stutters, completley taken aback. He quickly walks off back to the castle. I rub my wrist and stand up to gather my broom when I hear footsteps behind me.

"Who is there," I yell. There are walking some students onto the field. Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Blaise Zabini, Gregory Goyle, Vincent Crabbe, Pansy Parkinson, Millicent Bullstrode and Daphne Greengrass. "Hermione, it is us," Malfoy says calmly. That scares me. "Why do you call me Hermione, Malfoy," I ask with a shaking voice.

They walk around me and encircle me. It was very intimidating. "I call you how I want.. Hermione," he says with a wink of his eye. I quickly look around in the circle, turning around some times and looking over my shoulders. "We know your little secret Hermione," Malfoy whispers slowly.

Secret, what secret? I have no secre.. oww shit. "I.. I have no.. no secret,"I whisper, stuttering softly. Honestly, I was terrified. "You have one and you know what I mean Hermione.. Lestrange," he says and he smirks at me. I look him in the eyes and shake my head too quickly.

"I don't know someone called Hermione Lestrange." "Wow Hermione, you don't know my dead-not-dead cousin? That's strange, because you are her," he says in a sarcastic tone. He seems to see something on my hand because he quickly walks forward, grabs my hand and holds it up. 

Later I see why: the ring from the Lestrange vault. "This says everything. This was that ring my mother told was missing from the Lestrange vault. You got it with that Auror, didn't you?" Then, I decided I would do the thing Malfoy looks like the most effected to: begging so it would stroke his arrogance.

"Please Malfoy, leave me alone please. I will do anything you say, but just leave me alone." "I don't want anything from you, cousin. I just want the chance to meet you and I think my uncle and aunt want that too."

"Malfoy, leave me alone please I beg you. I just want to go back to the Gryffindor Tower." "Zabini, Nott, hold her please." The boys grab my upper arms and they hold me tightly. LET GO OFF ME, LET ME GO! LEAVE ME ALONE, PLEASE," I yell, but that maybe only tightens their grip.

"Hermione, I want to make a deal with you. I let you go and leave you alone if you promise me to meet me at Platform 9 3/4 and go with me to Malfoy Manor." "Ma.. Malfoy, I can't. Warren will pick me up from the Platform to escort me to my home. And by the way, I won't go with you anyway, I trust you for as far as I can throw you."

He chuckles. "I guess we have to wait a little longer then. But before that, we will watch everywhere you go and everyone you meet." "Wait, what do you mean 'waiting a little longer'? what are you talking about? And are you saying you will be stalking me?"

"Of course we do, we are doing it already, but I guess we did it so good you didn't even notice it. Theodore, Blaise, let go off her." They let me go and I run immediately off, towards the castle and the Gryffindor Tower.

In the girls' dorms I sit down with my back to the foot end of the bed, burying my head on my kneed legs. How did he know? I thought he didn't remember anythi.. oh damn. The Aurors didn't Obliviate them after our encounter, so he still remembers my sudden change of appearance. Merlin.. God Merlin no, I think, mentally slapping myself for not realising it earlier.

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