Part Twenty Four: Snape and Charms

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"Hello professor, what can I do for you," I ask confused. Why did he speak to me with my true last name, didn't he know how dangerous that name was? "I want to have a little talk with my goddaughter, if you don't mind."

"I.. uhmm.. I don't mind, what do you want to talk about?" "How are you, enjoying school?" "Yes I do, I just annoy myself with the fact that Harry is so good at Potions. Just because he found that stupid book." "What book?" "I don't know. A potionsbook from 'The Halfblood Prince'. Rubbish, I think. Just some name to make yourself feel better."

Snape nods and a smirk forms on his lips. "How are you in Potions?" "Earlier I was the best, but second best suits me as well," I say through gritted teeth. "I have heard you look a lot like your mother in your.. hum hum.. normal form."

A smile appears on my face. "Yes I do look like her.. Snape, can I ask you something?" "If we are with reliable people you can call me Severus, alright? But yes, you can ask me something." "Do the Lestranges have their own house?" "Uhmm.. I thought they did. A manor, if I'm right. But they can't live there because the Ministry took it from them after they went into prison."

"Oh.. are there.. any traces there of me as a child?" "No, only an empty nursery. Probably covered in dust, but that is not important." "Thank you.. Severus. Sorry, but I will get late for Transfiguration." "Go quickly then, I don't want McGonagall to suspect anything," he said and then he walks off with his black robes waving behind him. Scary, really..

I enter the classroom and take a seat. Luckily, class hasn't started yet. Exactly when I thought about it, McGonagall entered and began the class. I saw Harry and Ron whispering and sometimes looking at me. It made me feel uncomfortable.

After that class we went for Charms, where I sit in the back of the classroom because no other places were left over. "Good day class. Today we will be learning about.. Glamourcharms," professor Flitwick shrieks excitedly. I quickly look up at him and stare. Glamourcharms, seriously?

"Okay students. A Glamourcharm is to hide your real appearance and change it into a new one. It can be little things like 'no freckles', but also extreme things. You can't change your gender or your nature, like your powers as witch or wizard, with it, but for the rest nearly everything. There is one trace-charm for Glamourcharms. I will perform one now."

He whispers a spell and it seemed like nothing happened. But when I look around I see myself glowing blue. "Miss Granger.. you have a Glamourcharm on," Flitwick whispers impressed. "I-I try to hide my freckles," I quickly said. That seemed the most reasonable reason I could think of now.

"Okay, well, a Glamourcharm can be on amateurish point, but also on a very strong point. The one on you, Miss Granger, seems rather very strong. I'm impressed." I blush and stare at my fingernails. They were polished black. "Well, let's head on," Flitwick says and he goes on with the class while my thoughts fleet away.

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