Part Thirty One: Escape and the Dark Lord

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"I should call him," Bellatrix exclaims. "No, this is my house, I should call," Lucius says. "We have catched them, we should do it," Scabbior snaps, one of the Snatchers. Probably their leader, looking at his posture.

"Hermione should call him," Draco says out of nowhere," She is the girl of the prophecy, she is the one that the Dark Lord pretty much 'likes'. She has to do it, because she will be the most powerful one of us all," Draco explains.

Everyone nods in agreement, except the Snatchers. "SHE'S JUST A KID, COME ON," one of them yells. I point my wand at him and yell 'RIGIDAS'. It meant stiff, which pretty much is what the spell does: make a person completely stiff.

"Well, let's get the Dark Lord, shall we?" I press my index finger on the Dark Mark and the Mark begins to move. The others pull their sleeves up and the other Marks move as well. "He shall be here any minute, I guess," I say and I plump down on the couch. The rest joins us and they bring the prisoners to the cells. Rodolphus leaves with Rabastan, as they had a mission. But suddenly, hell breaks out.

Ron and Harry run up the stairs and into our room. They try to curse Draco and Narcissa, which didn't succeed because they blocked the spell on time. We begin to fight when the chandelier falls. Mother grabs me tight and pushes me out of reach, just as Narcissa did with Draco.

Dobby had let it fall and now tries to Apparate with Harry, Ron, Luna and Ollivander. But my mother was fast: she throws her poisoned knife at them and it goes with them into their Apparation. "One of them will be dead," mother snarls. I had some cuts of the broken glass, just as Draco had. We both healed each other.

The Dark Lord storms inside and quickly watches the scene. His eyes go from the Malfoy's to me and Draco. Draco just heals the last cut, just above my eyebrow. The Dark Lord quickly paces over to us and kneels next to the couch we were sitting on.

"You are hurt," the Dark Lord says and he looks in my eyes. It was no question, he stated it. "Yes, but it was not bad. We have healed each other." "Each other, so you were also wounded Mr Malfoy?"

"Just some cuts from the glass, nothing much," Draco replies. "You called for me, Miss Lestrange.. why?" "We.. we had Harry Potter, Lord. But he escaped." "How," the Dark Lord asks. You could see he was angry, but tried to oppress that.

"That damned Elf Dobby dropped the chandelier so they could escape," Lucius says, but he got cut off by Voldemort. "I thought I asked it your niece, Lucius." "But that is indeed what happened," I quickly say to avoid a discussion.

Both of them forget their discussion and turn to me. "Are you okay Miss Lestrange?" "I am fine.. but aren't you angry that Potter has escaped?" "I would be more mad if they have hurt you badly. Because we all don't want to risk your health, do we?"

Mother takes me to my bedroom and gives me a book to read. The Dark Lord has ordered me and my cousin to stay in our rooms until we were ordered otherwise by him. I stand before the window and look out of it. Where would Harry, Ron and Ginny be? Were they mad at me? 

Probably yes, I mean, I used Crucio on Ron! But he deserved it.. after all he had done to me he deserved it. I hug myself and walk back to my bed. Inside of it I try to not dream of Ron's screams and Ginny's beggings. A pretty hard task...

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