Part Thirty Two: Let the Battle begin

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"Hermione, are you okay," Rodolphus asks me, putting one hand on my shoulder. We stand between a lot of Death Eaters, a couple of metres before Hogwarts, with our family. "I am alright dad. How are you?"

"You don't have to worry about me, I am experienced in battles. But you.." "Dad, I have done so much more than you think. First year I defeated Quirrel with Harry and Ron, I helped them defeating the Basilisk, I helped freeing Buckbeak and I was a part in the Battle of the Department of Mysteries and Dumbledore's Army!" "I know dear, but that doesn't take away the fear I have you might get hurt, or.. worse." 

"Rodolphus, bring yourself and your daughter over here," the Dark Lord orders calmly, staring at the majestic building that is Hogwarts. He squeezes my shoulder with a smile and we both walk forward. People watch us and some even look jealous, although I'm not quite sure why.

The Dark Lord signs me to stand on his right with my dad next to me. My mother stands on his other side with my uncle Lucius. "What is it, my Lord," father asks him timidly. "We will begin the attack soon. Rodolphus, Bellatrix, you two focus on the Order of the Phoenix with your part of the army. Lucius, you and Rabastan go for the students."

"What can I do," I ask him. He grins and grabs my chin. "I have a special plan for you, but that comes later. You will be the last weapon for total victory, Miss Lestrange. Just stay safe and alive until the end, understood? Draco!" "Yes my Lord," Draco asks, walking out of the crowd to join our little group. The Dark Lord smirks at him. 

"You protect your cousin with your friends." "Sure my Lord. Do I have to.. find Potter?" "Keep him from touching my Horcrux Mr Malfoy, but also keep them from hurting your cousin." "Of course my Lord," Draco replies, bowing his head.

"Begin," Voldemort says. I point my wand in the air with the others and yell a spell. It looks very cool, all our spells together and hitting the invisible barrier around Hogwarts. That barrier begins to slowly crack under our magic.

The Snatchers run towards a bridge were Neville stands. He screams something I can't hear to them. Scabbior walks slowly, one foot forward, towards the bridge but when his foot didn't reach something, Scabbior begins to grin. All the Snatchers run after Neville, who runs for his life.

In the half the bridge explodes and most of the Snatchers fall into the gap, some stand on the other side. I reach my neck out to see if Neville survived. I see my old friends hesitating to step forward until.. Neville's arm and head come above. "How unfortunate," Voldemort whispers next to me. I look up and he looks at the gap in the bridge.

"Walk in and fight," he orders and I look at father. "Go Hermione, we will see each other soon," he says. "But.. dad.." He presses a kiss on my forehead and pushes me towards Draco. "Protect her, boy," Rabastan says to Draco.

Draco nods and grabs my wrist, pulling me away from the others, who run inside of the Hogwarts grounds to fight. "Draco, what are we going to do," I ask him, blowing a irritating curl before my eyes away.

"I am waiting here for my friends to help you survive. I am going to stop Potter and Weasel before they destroy Ravenclaw's lost diadem." "Because that diadem is a Horcrux?" "Exactly. Oh, I see something."

Some people come running towards us, then floating through the air over the gap in the bridge and then running again. It were Draco's Slytherin friends, the same who encircled me on the Quidditch Pitch that day. It seems so long ago.. even though it was maybe only one year ago or less.

Draco goes with Crabbe and Goyle to stop Harry and I am here with Zabini, Nott, Bullstrode, the Greengrasses and Parkinson. "Have I introduced myself properly? I'm Theodore Nott," a boy with darkblonde hair, a goofy grin and green eyes says, bowing mockingly.

"I am Hermione Lestrange, in case you don't know," I reply with a smile. He made the battle we are now going through less worse and more goofy. He shakes my hand and turns to his friends. "So, shall we go inside and throw a party?"

"Theo, stop being such a weirdo," Parkinson says seriously, rolling her eyes. "Come on Pansy, you make this so much heavier than needed. Come on everyone! We will kick some asses inside, especially the one's of Weasel!"

"I vote for that," I say with a grin. "Finally someone with a sense of humour!" "Do you want to talk or to fight Nott," Zabini sighs, already walking off towards the bridge.

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