Part Thirty Nine: 5 children later

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My long brown curls wave slowly in the wind. I wear a long black and expensive coat and stand next to my husband. We were looking at our teenage daughter, who was busy chatting with Scorpius Malfoy.

"Asyna, come here please," I yell at her. The brown haired girl with dark eyes like mine looks up. She got the brown hair from Rodolphus, I probably had his gene for brown hair in me together with Theo, who got it from his mother.

She waves Scorpius, Draco's son of her age, goodbye and walks over to us. "Hi mum, hi dad. Where are Alice and Aliya?" "They are at home with your grandmother and grandfather," I answer her. She places her trunk on the asphalt and hugs us.

We were now only waiting for our twin sons to come back again. Their second year of Hogwarts has come to an end, just as Asyna's fifth year.

The two boys with the darkblonde hair and green eyes of their father run up to us. "Hi dad, hi mum. What are we eating tonight," the older one of the twins, Hadrian, asks. "What have we done in his nurture, Theo, that we have created this," I ask my husband jokingly.

He shrugs and rubs through his son's hair. "We don't know, we're dinning at Malfoy Manor." The other twin, Javy, smiles. He likes Malfoy Manor and 'uncle Draco'. He was not really his uncle, because Draco is my cousin and not my brother, but he behaves like one towards my children. 

"Where are our little irritating twin sissies," Hadrian asks jokingly. Everyone knows he sometimes hates them, but that he will always go through fire for his little sisters. "They're with grandmother and grandfather," Theo answers for me.

We now live in Lestrange Manor, as I insisted on living there with my parents, with our 5 children. Asyna is the oldest of 15, then come the twins Hadrian and Javy of 12 and after them comes our next set of twins, Alice and Aliya of 10.

Aliya has long darkblonde hair like her father, but my dark eyes. Alice has my black hair but the green eyes of her father, glowing like emeralds. Draco and Astoria have two children: their son Scorpius of 15 and their daughter Lyra of 13.

We were best friends and our children were as well. I even thought Asyna likes Scorpius, but I could never make sure. Is it illegal to marry the son of your mother's cousin? I am not sure. Although more cousins marry in the Wizarding World. Normally 'to keep the bloodline pure', but it neither Asyna nor Scorpius cares about that.

Theo puts an arm around the twins and I lock arms with my teenage daughter. Most people complain about 'difficult teenagers', but Asyna was not like anyone else. She was calm, smart, kind to people who deserve it, but she can go completely wild when you annoy her or worse: if you steal her books.

Hadrian and Javy are just the new Fred and George, but only smarter. I can't recall all those times McGonagall sent me and Theo a letter about those two. I hope their little sisters won't follow their footsteps, but I'm quite sure they won't.

Aliya is a rather tiny, silent girl who doesn't speak out her mind. Alice is the complete opposite, with her heart on her tongue and a fierce character. "Hermione's Gryffindor side in her genes," Theo always claims. 

That evening we all sit at a long dinning table in Malfoy Manor. Draco and Astoria sit opposite me with their two children and Narcissa while my husband and my children sit at my side. Next to Narcissa sits Bellatrix, while Rodolphus sits at our side of the table. On the head of the table is Lucius.

"Always nice to have all those kind souls around, have a nice dinner," Lucius says. We tinkle our goblets and I carefully watch my daughter, who takes wine by her dinner. "If you keep staring you will burn gapes in her body," Theo whispers with a goofy grin in my ear. I laugh and enjoy my dinner.

A lot has changed since the war. The Weasleys were arrested, just as other Order members. It was now illegal to be a member of the Order of the Phoenix. The Ministry of Magic has been completely re-organized.

I have a place as Head of the department of Magical Law Enforcement. My husband was Head of Department of Magical Transportation. Draco was Head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports while Astoria became the Head of the Department of Magical Accidents and Catastrophes.

This makes our families probably the most powerful one in the whole Wizarding World of England. It also meant we were quite a lot at work, what makes it handy my parents live in our house.

Everything is going great, according to us and according to the Wizarding Community. In the normal life nothing really changed for the regular wizard family. Children went to school and parents went to work, simple as that.

Everything was fine.. everything was great.

This was it then! This was "Lestrange Daughter"! I hope you liked it and when you did, vote and leave comments! Also share this story with more of your friends! Well, I have nothing else to say. Goodbye, lovely readers!

Funfact: At first I wanted to make this a Dramione-story(like most of mine). The Lestranges and Malfoys would get Hermione back and Voldemort would forcefully let Draco and Hermione get married, but after writing 1 to 2 chapters I decided it wasn't great and went for something different: this thing.

xxx MidnightHerondale <3

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