Part Twenty One: Voldy, Father and Mother

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I sit in the gardens of Malfoy Manor, reading a large and old book. I hear footsteps and look up from the text. Bellatrix, Rodolphus and You-Know-Who walk to my part of the luxurious, excentric garden.

"Miss Lestrange, how nice to meet with you again," Voldemort says. I look up and nod firmly as a kind of bow. "Hello You-Know-Who. Unfortunately, I can't say I think the same about you," I reply bitchy.

Voldemort chuckles and bows over me, whispering so only I could hear what he said. "Do you still hate me for the torturing of Fenrir Greyback?" "That and because you hate my best friends and tried to murder them for already a couple of years." "You know why I do such things, don't you?"

What was that for strange question? Kind of annoyed I still replied. "No, except for the reason you want all power in the world and immortality." "Those are reasons, yes, but there is more. You don't even know the most important one, but one day I will tell you all about it." "Okay, can I read further now?"

"Well.. no. I want help for a plan." "If you think I will turn my back on my friends just to help you out, I say no." "No Miss Lestrange, I want your help for a plan so you can return to Hogwarts after this Christmas break." "Wha-I don't understand."

"It will be very strange if you just return to the Ministry, wave hello to them and go back to Hogwarts, so we need a plan to let you return without being suspicious." I look at my parents, who had stayed silent through all of this. They smile.

Then, a plan forms in my head. "What if it looks like I escaped from you?" "Can you be more clear, Miss Lestrange?" "They won't be suspicious if it looked like I escaped from my capturers. If we Apparate to a silent place and I pretend to run away from one of the Death Eaters, no one will guess there is something fishy going on."

"So you say we need to Apparate with you to a place like Knockturn Alley, pretend to catch you and Apparate away when we reach people, so they see it was a Death Eater wo was after you. They will take you to the Ministry and you will be there, safe and sound without drawing suspicion?"

"Precisely!" "That sounds like a perfect plan and it will probably work out fine. You are clever, Miss Lestrange, very clever. But that is no surprise of course, Henry Prewett already predicted it." I felt, for some reason, prised by this and blush.

"Shall we go, my Lord. We have a meeting with the Death Eaters," Rodolphus mentions calmly. Voldemort nods and Rodolphus and Voldemort leave. This leaves me alone with my mother in the Malfoy Manor Gardens.

Bellatrix sits down next to me and plays with my curls. "I will miss you, my child." "You won't have to miss me, will you?" "I will because the Ministry will only protect you more, probably check out your post so I can't send you a letter and I won't ever see you again," Bellatrix replies and a single tear travels down on her cheek.

"Don't cry.. mother. I will come back, I promise you," I tell her and I feel the sudden urge to hug her tightly. So I did what my urge told me to. I press her tightly to me and stroke her soft black curls.

The more I see Bellatrix the more I realize how much I look like her. "I love you, my little Hermione. I love you deeply through every vein in my body," Bellatrix into my ear. Have I already mentioned to anyone how weird it is to have a ruthless Death Eater confessing her motherly love for you?

"I.. I love you back, mum," I tell her and I was shocked to realize I meant it. "I'm glad you do," she whispers and she let go off me, wiping her last tears away. "If you get into trouble, darling, tell Draco, any Slytherin or in the least nice occasion, Severus Snape."

"Severus Snape, what was it with him again?" "He is your godfather. Not that I really wanted it, but Snape is a good friend of Rodolphus and as I already chose someone of my family as godparent he got to choose your godfather."

"So that was why he cared for me," I whisper to myself. Unfortunately, mother heared me. "When did he care for you, what happened?" "I broke my arm one time at the Quidditch Pitch. He healed it." "I should.. thank him for that then," mother says and I knew instantly she did not look forward to the moment where she had to say 'thank you' to Snape.

She stands up, stroking her dress free from wrinkles. She pecks my cheek and walks off, back into the big Malfoy Manor. My home, I guess. Did they even have an own house or was it taken by the Ministry when they went into Azkaban?

I guess I need to ask that another moment, I think. I went back to reading without caring that inside of the Manor the next plans of killing my friends and their families were in the making.

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