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Moving In

Keith wondered why or how did this happen, really. Can people just switch up roommates if they wanted to?

But it happened and he was in no position to complain.

When he visited the dorm, the style of it wasn't so bad. It was like a two bedroom apartment. At least they had separate rooms, thank the gods.

Keith walked around, scanning the whole room and checking out each room. The first one was kinda smaller compared to the second. But obviously, he took the bigger one. He didn't care if Sanchez wanted it, all he has to do is act as if he doesn't have feelings and it'll be that. Which Keith thinks he's capable of doing. He has been, not even pidge knows about it. Well there's only two people who knows. He and Shiro.

Keith pulled out a piece of paper and wrote 'room taken' on it. He taped it up on the bigger room's door and headed out. He has a long day to go, moving his stuff from his previous dorm and all.

Keith dialed Shiro in hopes for helping him up. "What's up?" Said the voice from the other side of the line. "Yeah, can you help me move my stuff to my new dorm?" Keith asked. "Yeah, I can. Meet me at your old dorm. I'll bring my pick up truck. See you in ten." With that their call ended and Keith started to walk.

Keith's old dorm wasn't that far. It was a ten minute walk but it would probably be be a five minute drive from here to there by vehicle. How was he supposed to tell Shiro that his new roommate is his one and a half year crush? "Hey, I'm roommates with the man I'll probably be in love with." Keith thought. What a joke.

It was getting boring. Keith brought out his phone and plugged his headphones in and started to play his songs on shuffle. First on the list- "Miss missing you" by Fall Out Boy.


Keith placed his headphones down and paused his music before slipping his phone in his pockets. "Shiro!" Keith called out making the other man look up from his phone. "Yo!" He shouted back before turning to his phone then placed it on his ears. Keith knew it was Allura once again. Ever since they got together, Shiro was online 24/7. He knows that one thing girls like. Replying as soon as the hit that send button.

They both got into the elevator and Keith pressed on his floor; the fifth floor. Shiro's voice filled the four walls they were in. "I'm helping Keith move his stuff- yes. Okay, later babe." Keith looked at Shiro and Shiro looked at him too. "What was that about?" Asked Keith as they stepped off the elevator. "She wanted me to help her with her charity event. But I already said yes to you first. And you know me, I'm just being fair." Shiro explained. "You're still going to make me rush so you can go to Allura, right?" Keith raised his eyebrow. "I told you, you know me!" Shiro said enthusiastically. Keith shook his head before opening his old room.

Keith just realized how much things he'll be having to move. Luckily, his mess was the organized type of mess and you can just clean that up in a few minutes. "I think we need more hands." Shiro suggested. "Yep. Call Coran and Hunk. Pidge is probably doing her techie stuff." Keith added.


The last thing Keith moved into his new room was his paintings. He hung some in his room and some in the living room. Maybe Lance would talk to him about the paintings.

He went back into his room and started to fix his desk. Obviously, it'll be oh so organized but you'll see it in such a mess when the inner artist is out. After arranging that, he went to fix his bookshelf. He was a big reader for fiction. He liked sci-fi and he was into fantasy and the 'young-adult's' section too. After all that hard work a lazy person did, he decided to just get out of the place to eat. He grabbed his bright red sweater and wore it. It was loose in the end which was the whole point. The sweater flared on the end making a two inch gap between the end of the sweater and Keith's body. Keith tried to go with this ulzzang look he was inspired with that matched with his red converse and black ripped jeans. He was feeling confident about this look. And just before he left, he slipped his phone in his pockets and got out.

As he reached the main floor of their dorm, he quickly called for... actually, there is no one to call. Shiro was helping Allura, pidge probably have gone off building another mechanism of her own and Hunk... what would Hunk be doing? He called Hunk but he just said that he was going to be out for a few days to help in their family bakery. It settles it, he's eating alone. Keith started to walk and just before he could exit he swear the guy that just passed by was starring at him. But he shrugged that off, he wouldn't be interested in a gay Korean anyways
[I know the chapters are really short but I'm trying to make the other chapters as long as I can. I hope you guys understand!:))]

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