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Lance quickly peeled off his mask and undressed his robe. He stashed the ice cream back in the fridge and went to his room. He pulled out a random shirt and his trusty old jeans and just wore the boots that was laying around his room. Whatever he looked like, it didn't matter. It was decent enough. He dashed out, locked the door and sped to his car before speeding to the hospital.

"I'm here for Keith, Keith Kogane." Lance said to the girl on the information desk. "Oh please head to room 324, a doctor will be awaiting for you." She said with a smile. "Thanks!" Lance shouted as he ran to the elevator. Right up ahead he could see the doctor talking to a nurse. When the doctor seemed to notice, he walked towards him too. "Hello, sir." Sad the doctor. "What happened?" Lance asked almost way too immediately. "Your friend got into a car accident. The driver was drunk driving and caused your friend to have two broken ribs. He has to stay for a couple of weeks before he can get released from the hospital. Do you know where his parents are?" The question of the doctor seemed to be knew to him. He thought about it, Keith never mentioned his mom or dad. "Sorry, I don't. I'm his roommate and I basically take care of him." Lance explained. He has to ask Keith later. "Well then, that's all. He isn't in a critical condition but don't make him move too much. We don't want to damage anything." The doctor stated before leaving Lance in front of the door.

Lance slowly slid the door open and he could see the end of the hospital bed. He entered the room and the door behind him slid close on its own. He walked slowly towards the bed and saw Keith little by little. What was Keith up too? Who does he have too meet up with? And why on earth was I the only contact he has?

All those thoughts went out of his mind when he finally saw Keith's face. It broke him a little in the inside. For lance, he was like family already. In a span of five to six days, they have both grown closer. Lance didn't expect this to happen. Before all this, he didn't even know who the shit Keith was, what was he like, his interests and all. But apparently he's a good guy and Lance wasn't ready to loose his roommate. He was thankful that he isn't in a critical condition. He was thankful nothing worse happened or else he wouldn't know what to do.

Lance looked around to find a spare chair and at one corner there was a small stack of mono block chairs and grabbed one and sat beside the bed. All he could do was look and wait for him to wake up. But through it out Lance got sleepy and slept by Keith's hand.


Lance woke up and he felt something brush his hair. And again. And again. He sat straight up and saw Keith awake and smiling. "Sorry I woke you up," he said smilingly. Lance noticed he spoke softer than he usually does.

"It's alright. Is your voice okay? Are you okay?" That's a normal thing to ask right?
"I'm okay, don't worry. You're looking at me, you hear me speaking. I'm alive! That's enough evidence right?" Keith was still smiling at this point.

"If you say so. Also the doctor said that you have two broken ribs so don't move too much. I'll get what ever you need just say it, okay?" He didn't know when to bring the parents thing up.

"What did you say when the doctor asked for my parents?" Keith asked. Lance looked at him and wondered to himself if this isn't his first time in an accident.

"I told them that I was your roommate and I was your some sort of guardian." Lane said and smiled hoping it would work.

"Thanks." Keith smiled a bit more and spoke again. "You're probably wondering where my parents are right? Well, they're gone. Both of them. They left my at my uncles place when I was what, five years old? Six? Around that age. And he gave me a tough time. Asking me to buy things I couldn't buy. He was a broken man. Got abused, both verbally, physically and..." Keith had a short pause. Lance looked at him and he seemed like he was at the verge of tears.

"Look, it's okay if you don't want to talk about it. I get why you don't have your parent. You can stop talking about-" but he was cut off when Keith grabbed his hand.

Keith was looking down and lance could swear he saw a tear drop. Voice shaky, Keith asked Lance to help him sit up right.

"Thanks." Keith said again. Lance wanted to comfort Keith but he didn't know how. The only comfort that he could think of was a hug. His roommate looked so fragile. He was like a porcelain vase that was tapped together. He hugged him carefully, not wanting him to shatter but help him to stay put. That everything would turn out better.


Keith was alone in the room, lance went out to buy some food and get some stuff from the dorm. He insisted that he would stay there until he got discharged.

It made Keith wonder what he meant to Lance. But what if it was just pity? Maybe he was staying for the sake of it. But he knew Lance wasn't like that. Because he knew that Lance would only treat someone like this if that someone meant something to him.

How was he so sure? Lance told him stories about his family. He came from a big family and all sorts were there. Even dirty ones. And he wasn't afraid to tell Keith that which means that he trusts him. That made Keith happy.

He snapped out when he heard footsteps. He smiled and looked towards the door. He was waiting for Lance but it was someone else. Black baggy pants, black shirt, Jacket; everything he wore was black.

And from behind he pulled out a blood stained knife.

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