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A walk in the Park with alcohol

Keith was jogging and received a notification. He slowed down his pace to check it, it was just Instagram, he could deal with that after wards. He proceeded to continue with the pace he was in earlier.

Lance, on the other hand, didn't know he is actually stalking Keith Kogane. He thinks it's just for 'research purposes.' Obviously he stumbled upon Keith's Instagram and he had to say, it was both artsy and aesthetic. He went through other Korean accounts before he could get to Keith's and they had one thing in common, the aesthetic. But when he saw Keith's it was sort of different. There was this certain vibe that makes it different from the other accounts. Or maybe he doesn't know he's slowly falling for him. Who knows...

Lance was startled when he heard the door open. He closed his phone immediately and stood up.

Keith wondered what's up and why does Lance look flustered. Was he...?

"I'm-", "It's," both young men said at once. "What?" They said at the same time again.  Keith sighed and motioned Lance to go first.

"Look, if you thought I was doing it, I wasn't. That's clear." Lance said clear as ice.

"I trust you okay," Keith said, "I was jus going to say I was home, it's a culture for us." He continued to explain.

"Oh okay," Lance said. He gave himself a mental punch in the face because he was cringing so much.

Keith proceeded to the kitchen and drank water. We gotta stay healthy after all. Lance just stood there looking at his glorious body. And damn it was still sweaty from his jogging. He looked away before his face can even turn as hot as the sun and as red as a tomato.

"Go take a shower will you," Lance said before running of to his room. He didn't know what he was doing but he was back to stalking.

Keith grabbed his towel and went to the bathroom afterwards. He didn't realize that an hour has passed. He was just think about useless usual shower thought. Though there was one not useless thought and that was Lance. He was so proud of himself that he could still contain his feelings at bay even at this point.

He go out of the bath and decided on one thing. He was never going to confess his love unless signs show otherwise.

"What do you want for lunch?" Lance didn't know why the fuck he said that but he did.

"Surprise me." Keith hoped it didn't sound like flirting because he was lowkey trying to flirt but Lance didn't have to know that.

Lance on the other hand was confused but since it was the tone of the voice he considered it not flirting. But then what if he did? nOW ISN'T THE TIME LANCE WE HAVE TO THINK OF A PLACE TO EAT.

"I'm not really sure what you're up for right now. I do recall a new place opening near by, we can check it out there if you want." He suggested.

Keith said, "Sure," in agreement.

The two quickly changed and headed off to that place.

They didn't expect the both of them to stay there until it got dark. Plus drinking.

Lance's sight was blurry and he felt hazy. He wasn't so sure of what was happening in his surrounding but one thing for sure is that Keith sure knows how to dance.

For some weird reason, the two ended up getting drunk in a bar and suddenly mingled with some random strangers.

Lance was by the chairs looking Keith dance. He felt his face heat up and looked away from him. He asked the bartender for water and decided that it's time to stop. This is enough drinking and that he's just blushing at Keith because he's drunk.

Lance placed down the glass and went to grab Keith by his wrist. "No, never", Lance though. He is not going get seduced by his room mate.

"Lance, what the hell?!" Keith scowled as he pulled out from Lance's grip. Keith was no where near his right mind but he doesn't know that, hE'S DRUNK. After a glance Keith went to the closest boy and started to dance again.

Lance was getting stares and hits by the people around. He got the feeling that they got annoyed by him. Lance, frustrated, grabbed Keith once again and this time, dragged him out of the bar.

After about what, two? Three? Attempts he managed to place Keith in the passenger seat. Lance rushed to the other side, got in and locked the doors. He cannot allow his efforts go to waste.

"Keith, were going home. You're drunk!" Lance said, slamming the car keys in the hole.

"What the fuck?! Why the hell am I here? I was having fun lance!" Keith shouted. He tried to get out but he had no idea the doors were locked.

Lance thought, 'he's a fucking idiot,' with a face palm. "Keith, you're drunk. I have to bring you home."

Keith stopped his attempts and looked at him. His face said mad and his eyes said 'what do you want?'

"What are you? My mom? My dad? My bOYFRIEND? Who the hell are you to say that? And for your information, I NEVER had a home. Obviously you have the good life. You have a fucking family to go back to, a home to stay in when no one would accept you. But what do I have? Nothing. I don't have my parents nor best friends. I'm juST A NOBODY. SO LET ME OUT OF HERE AND LET ME LIVE AS I PLEASE BECAUSE NO MATTER WHAT I DO NO ONE IS GOING TO CONGRATULATE ME WHEN I DO SOMETHING RIGHTH OR WIN, NO ONE WILL LISTEN TO ME IN TIMES OF NEED, NO ONE WILL EVER BE BY MY SIDE TILL THE END." Keith shouted at the top of his lungs. Tears were falling off continuously and he didn't know how to stop them. By now Keith could think properly, well at least he had his senses back.

Lance though, he was stunned. He wasn't prepare for such at all. And before he was about to shout Keith opened his mouth to say something again.

"Sorry... I wasn't thinking. I got emotional. I didn't intend to shout at you. I wasn't in my right mind. I just..." Keith continued to stammer and say all forms of 'sorry' to lance. He was looking down, still crying. Now he's thinking, you've done fucked up Keith, fUCKED UP ALL BECAUSE YOU COULDN'T HANDLE YOUR ALCOHOL INTAKE!

Lance was again, stunned. He thought about what to do and the best thing he could think of was to comfort him. He removed his seat belt and leaned closer to Keith To I've him a hug. He lifted Keith's head and made him settle his head on his shoulders. Lance gave him pats on the back, trying calm Keith down.

"Shh... it's okay buddy, I got you..." Lance trailed. Keith cried harder and he pulled Lance closer. He didn't care anymore. This was his first time to cry in front of someone. And it was better than crying alone in his room or in the bathroom during the night.

Lance continued to comfort Keith until he was okay.

Keith calmed down and pulled out of the hug. "Sorry about that," he said again. He wondered if that annoyed Lance by now.

"It's okay, I'll be here for you." Lance said with a smile.

Keith blushed and looked towards the window.

Lance finally pulled over and drove.

"We're going home." Keith heated him say and that was the last thing he could remember that night before he blacked out.

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