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Realization and Problems

For some reason, Lance is very happy that Keith would be getting discharged today. He didn't know he would grow this close with him but after looking out for him in those three months wasn't a bother for him.

He caught himself out of character. He realized he wasn't acting cocky towards Keith. He didn't do things he would normally do like annoy or reason out with someone. Why was it Keith? Was it because he was confined? Would that make any difference. He realized he wasn't hanging out much with his team, he hasn't been out; clubbing or parties. Just what on earth is in Keith to make him do that?

Frustrated, he walked in the room anyways. Keith was standing and talking with the doctor until he noticed him. "Lance," Keith let out a smile and turned back to the doctor.

Lance waited for them outside the room. He checked his phone and it was almost lunch time. He glanced back at the door but it didn't swing open- nevermind. It just did. After saying their thanks, both boys went out the hospital and went back to their home.


Keith didn't expect that he would do this on the day he got discharged. So what? Just because he got discharged that means he can go where ever the shit he wants? Just because he's 99% okay he can wonder around? Not even a simple celebration or congratulations? Lance literally was there to pick Keith up and drop him in their dorm before going where on earth God knows. He thought they had a bonding moment.

Keith was so frustrated. At himself, at Lance, at what he did. He wasn't just frustrated, he's also confused. What exactly was his standing to Lance? It's been more than two months since that thought rose in his head. In those two months Keith thought they were like best friends or something like that but guess what. He thought wrong.

Keith cursed at himself for trusting way to easily. Why did he ever think Lance cared for him? It was definitely out of pity. Why else would Lance even take care about a guy he didn't knew before the whole switch up?

Keith sighed in defeat.

He looked back to his blank canvas and realized he was supposed to paint,  not to think about he who shall not be named. Speak of the devil, he just arrived.

"Keith, buddy?" Lance said aloud. Keith heard that alright. And he wasn't having any of it. He quickly wore his headphones and played his music on shuffle. He was grateful when the song wasn't one of those songs that's in your storage just because you can't or don't want to remove it. 

Even if his volume was decently high, he could still sense his door opening and the presence of Lance drawing closer and closer to him. He felt a tap on his shoulder and how can he pretend he just didn't feel that?

Keith looked at him and raised a brow. In return, Lance raised his paper bag. Keith looked at it, it was Korean BBQ. Um, can he turn it down? Hell no. Keith paused his song and placed down his headphones before walking out of the room.

"So, what were you doing staring at an empty canvas?" Lance questioned because he just couldn't stand the silence anymore. "Uhh, art... block...?" Keith smiled hoping he could accept that as an answer.

"Art block? Is that like a thing you use for painting or?" Keith knew he wouldn't know. "Where you can't think of ideas." Lance nodded, understanding.

Keith wasn't planning to get his guard down. Just because he brought Korean BBQ doesn't solve everything. For the rest of the meal, they remained silent and Keith didn't mind at all. He finished his food and placed his dishes by the sink.

He was so ready to get back to his room, where he can think and stay silent without anyone bothering him or judging him. But no, I guess Lance didn't want it that way. "Congrats by the way, I'm glad you're back." Lance said and Keith turned his back. He saw a smile on his face but he didn't know that the sentence missed a word. The word in Lance's head. Really.


Lance woke up and wondered where Keith was. It looks like he hasn't woken up yet. No sign from both living room and kitchen. He knocked on his roommate's door for more than a minute. No response. "I'm coming in." He opened the door and just saw the room empty. His canvas was left untouched. His headphones was on the floor his laptop was left opened. He didn't want to touch things he didn't own and that would be invading of privacy.

"Hey," Lance spoke through the phone. "Yeez, I know- I KNOW- look, have you seen Keith?" It was too early for this. He glanced toward the clock; 3:23. "Why do you think I know where Keith would be at thREE IN THE MORNING?!" Lance pulled the phone away from his ears. "Hehehe, sorry buddy I didn't know. I think I know he might be. Get your beauty sleep back." Lance ended the call. Truth is, he didn't know where Keith would be.

Firstly, why did he wake up at three in the morning, secondly, what time did they even go to bed? Jesus, it must've been real early. Thirdly, where the shit was Keith? Lance glanced at the door when he hear it open. Keith entered but he didn't seem to notice Lance and walked straight to his room.

Where could he have went to? He walked towards his door, still thinking whether or not to ask him. As he was about to turn back and return to his own, the door swung open. It revealed a topless Keith. His torso had a few bruise and a cut. Which was bleeding. Lance looked up to see Keith face and you can see the shock, the horror on it.

Keith pushed Lance aside and ran as fast as he could to the bathroom. His heart was beating fast. Why the shit was Lance there? Why was he awake? Why'd he have to see this? Why the hell did he push Lance?

Lance barged in the bathroom. Keith got surprised and he cursed at himself. He forgot to lock the goddamn door. "Don't look at me, just go back to your room." Keith said as he crawled to the corner of the bathroom floor. "I can't just not look at you, you're the one thing I'm focused at the moment!" Lance exclaimed. He realized it wasn't time for this. He walked out of the room to get the first aid kit. He couldn't just leave him be.

Keith was curled up in the corner, refusing Lance's offer to treat his wounds. "Why do you always want to help me? Hell Lance if you only knew!" Keith shouted. Lance sat down on the floor, stunned. "What don't I know? You never open up about what ever your thinking! What do expect me to do?! I HAVE MY OWN PROBLEMS TOO YOU KNOW!" Lance shouted. Keith said in a low voice, "just leave." Lance stood up leaving the kit and Keith in there.

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