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Worried Admirers

When Keith opened his eyes, he scanned his surroundings. His eyes were barely open due to the head ache he had. Just how many drinks did he down?

Attempting to look at his surroundings better, he blinked for a few times and realized that there was a glass of water, medicine and a note on the table.

"Drink it when you see this, you do not wanna know how much you drank last night. Also stay at home, you should rest. I'll get your lesson, somehow.

- Lance."

Keith averted his eyes to the glass of water and the pill. He drank the medicine and went back to lie down on his bed. The medicine wasn't just kicking in yet but some flashbacks of last night popped up.

He remembers drinking. A lot of drinking. He also remembers dancing with total strangers whom he'll probably see in his class or whatever. He gave himself a face palm and groaned into his pillow. Just how stupid can he be?


Later on, he received a knock on his door. Lance walked in with a plastic bag in hand.

"I didn't know how to cook- I mean I know how but I'm bad at it. I didn't know where to buy that hangover soup you always make us so this is the best I've got." Lance said softly.

He pulled out something that was in a styrofoam bowl. Soup. Obviously. Keith's hangover soup so obviously Lance would get soup.

Even though he just took his medicine about an hour earlier, he wanted to eat what Lance got him. He really appreciates what Lance got him. It's not everyday he's like this too.

Keith gladly got the plastic spoon and started to unwrap the bowl. It was still a bit hot and he digged in.

The soup wasn't that bad, it was actually pretty decent coming from a convenience store.

Lance went out to throw the trash and to do some reading for his classes. Keith stood up and grabbed his towel and decided to shower. It's time to stop smelling like alcohol.


It's now 3pm and Lance was just going home from his classes. Keith was just laying in his bed, taking Lance's advice. He was glad he did because he realized that he didn't have a draft for the upcoming project they had. He didn't even bother starting, the guy's got no idea what's it even about.

He senses that Lance is home for some wired reason so he puked out his phone just to be sure. But his GPS was showing that he was still on the other street.


Keith decided to shut his mouth and stay quiet. Thank the lords he took some martial arts lessons when he was in high school. Thank god he had the asian-ness in him and did some kung fu shit back then. Back then when...

He hid somewhere to take guard and waited for someone to enter.

"Keith? I'm home."

It was just Lance with that pleasant voice of his.

"Keith?" He asked one more time. "Where could he be?" He mumbled himself afterwards.

Keith slowly went out of the shadow and surprised Lance without knowing.

"Jesus fucking Christ Keith!1! What the hell were you doing?! You almost gave me a heart attack or something." Lance said as he was holding Keith by the shoulders, shaking him.

"It's just that I sensed someone coming and your GPS said you were still on the other side of the road so I thought it was time to fight and it was still to early for you to be home and-"

"wAIT- ARE YOU SAYING I LEFT MY PHONE?" Lance shouted in realization as he felt his pockets and found nothing.

"Dang it, why'd I leave it in the car?" Lance questioned him.

"Why'd you park all the way there?" Keith countered.

Lance groaned and annoyed Keith to go with him to get his phone on the other road. Apparently there was this whole gathering for someone here and he parking was full so he had to park somewhere else.

"Tell me again why I'm with you?" Keith grumbled, but deep down, he wasn't complaining.

"Because you love me?" Lance teased.

"No I don't," Keith said looking the other direction.


"Mhm. Say all you want, I know you do anyways." Lance protested still having a grin onto his face.

"What makes you say that?" Keith raised a brow.

"Man oh man, you don't remember the part-"

At this moment, Lance realized he fucked up.

He wasn't supposed to mention that. No sir, not at all. But he still did. Lance was having a mental crisis but he awkwardly said something else.

"So in the party, I kissed someone. Let's say the person was very, close to me."

When Keith heard the phrase kissed someone. He knows damn well that he isn't in the position to complain about who Lance chooses to kiss, after all, Keith was just a friend to Lance.

"And I don't know person knows- I mean like, if, you know, the person got the message I was trying to say but then again said person is drunk and I don't even know if the person remembers me. Wait we were wearing masks, so obviously he does't remember me-," at that moment, Lance knew he fucked up.

"A 'he'?" It broke Keith. I think there was a time Lance was talking about his interests. But it broke him. It broke him because it wasn't him. He was hoping that if it was a girl there was still a chance since it's bros over hoes but now?? It's a boy. If they do continue, Lance will be out and say some excuses that goes somewhere like, 'I'm hanging out with said person for a while," or something like that.

"Uh," Keith tried to keep his composure, trying not to show weakness, "who is this person?" He held a soft smile on his face.

Lance looked down on the floor and his fingers were fidgeting. "Do you really not remember?" His voice was soft but understandable and Keith definitely heard him.

Keith's mind rambled and tried to remember. He kissed someone and he knew it. He kissed no one else but... no... it can't be, it couldn't right?

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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