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One step closer and a little celebration

"In the box we're papers... the type of papers your parents wouldn't want you to see, especially in an early age because you'd get confused."

"It was bills. Unpaid bills, debts and the such. Of course I was in high school so I understood what ever was on the paper. They apparently made illegals deals. I don't know why it had to be them and how'd my parents know them but I think it was all for me."

"Living with my grandma, she always told me stories of my parents... I came to think of it and how my theory was possible. Sure I'm half korean but we fled off to the states. But why? I thought dad just wanted to make a better living but I didn't suspect him to be a member of some illegal organization or something."

"When I finally asked how my parents died- the reason behind it to be precise, she told me that. That my father had violated whatever rules and how he wasn't paying them back or whatever shit you or they call it."

"So when I was four, around that time, I did remember my mom getting up and telling me we would go on a vacation. Little me was so happy, I would finally see the ocean, the sand, instead of being cooped up in the house all the time. The next day, mom said she'll drop my off by my grandmothers first and get dad but she never came back. I got worried and I told grandma to come with me back home."

"But when we arrived... they were gone. The house was on fire. Everything was burned down including my parents, the memories I had. And when I looked up back on my grandma, I wish I could've done the same. I wish I said I'd go back home with my mom. All I could do now is wish and think. I can't actually do anything now that all my loved ones are gone."

The room was silent. Keith chuckled trying to distract himself from crying. He doesn't want to tear up now.

"I guess you can say I'm destined to be alone. And you too," he looked lance in the eyes, "you might become their target of whatever. Remember when I came home looking as if I came from a fight? Yea, I fought them. The men in the hospital? It was them. When I zoned out yesterday when you came in, I thought they had known my place. I thought they would've killed me right there."

"And I think if it's best if we don't spend time around each other outside the dorm..."

Lance spoke with out thinking and just asked,

"What do you mean not spend time? You need someone beside you right now more than ever!"

Lance just realized about what he'd ask. Why was he so bothered about not spending time with each other anyways?

"I don't want you to be involved Lance! You have a family to go back to and I don't. We're not the same."

"Keith, I thought by now you would know... there is someone who's got your back, you have someone to go back to, you have someone beside you, you have someone... and that someone is me. I care about you Keith. Don't you ever say that. Not only me but Hunk and got other friends too. Imagine how would they feel."

"They'd be sad but they'll move on and maybe they would forget about me because they've moved on and found better people."

"You really think a co-worker will amount to how much memories you guys had? The experiences you've been through together? I know i didn't know you before this exchange but I can say that you mean something to me Keith."


Nothing but deafening silence.

"I'm sorry."

I'm sorry.

It's the only thing Keith was good at. Saying sorry. He doesn't know how many times he's said sorry in his life. He says sorry over the slightest thing ever. Inconvenienced people? "Sorry." Thinking he did inconvenience people? "Sorry." Doing the slightest thing wrong? He'll still be sorry. He's even sorry that he's living, that he's making burden for other people.

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