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Late night Thoughts

Keith calmed down a bit. At least he thought he did. He wasn't breathing heavily anymore, he didn't feel like a panic attack or something was coming. He was just... confused. He wasn't sure whether or not he should tell Lance why he was covered in bruises, why he was bleeding. The obvious choice is to tell him he got into a fight and all that.

He thought about today, not even a week and he already damaged his body. Boy this was going to be rough and Keith knew it. Even if he had feelings for the guy, he can control them. He wasn't sure enough if it was part of the 'not showing feelings' act. He just knew when to show them and when to not. He thinks it'll be less obvious if he does this.

Keith sighed in defeat. What time was it? four in the morning? He checked his phone to reveal that it was quarter to four a.m.

Keith stood up and faced the mirror. His chest had some bruises, his face, arms and hands were a bit bloody from the fight. He decided to wash them all off and proceed to his room afterwards. While washing though, he still debated in his head if he should, in fact, tell lance the real reason. But maybe it was too soon? He wasn't sure so he isn't telling him just yet.

Clean boy walked out of the bathroom and stopped when he reached Lance's door. He decided to peek inside just to be sure Lance is there and is alright. And he is, sound asleep. Good night Lance, Keith thought just before he closed the door.

(Same Night)

Lance was laying in his bed wondering why on earth Keith was up at that time, why he got into a fight, how on earth did he even get involve in those things? A shit ton of scenarios came across his mind but he had to stop when his door creaked open.

He pretended to be asleep and he did a little peek to. It was a topless Keith in a towel, he didn't know he got a six pack. How the shit did he get that. He felt that it got hot all of a sudden. Just before the door closed, he managed to see that little smile on his face before it completely shut close.

He got out of bed and went in front of the mirror to check his stomach. Oh god, he didn't have one. Maybe a nice slender body but not a muscly one. He pondered if he should start working out more. But then, good looks pays off after all.

He went back to his bed and first thing in mind was topless Keith. He was so god dammed hot, what the fuck, how can he even?? He looked so fucking gorgeous and everything. How the hell do you manage to be cute and hot a the same time?- Lance cp guy himself off-guard and thought why he thought like that of his current roommate. He brushed it off, he didn't want to think and ask why to himself anymore. He closed his eyes and went back to sleep.


Lance woke up to his alarm that Saturday morning. He despite not talking to Keith, he still wondered if he was doing okay. When he walked out of his door he looked across Keith's room. It was closed. He wondered if he was even in there. He walked past it and proceeded to the kitchen instead. 

On the table was a cooked meal covered with plastic with a note attached to it. It read, 

Hey, it's Keith... sorry about last night. I got into a fight. I mean it was obvious right? I bet you're wondering what it was about. I can't tell you just yet. I hope you forgive me for both. Your roommate, Keef.

Lance smiled at it, especially about that last part where he called himself 'keef'. Lance bets he's the only person in the entire fucking universe that calls him that.

P.S. I went out for a jog.

So that's why he isn't here, Lance thought.

P.S.S. I cooked you curry:) Hope you like my cooking.

Lance smiled even more. Keith cooked for him. Keith cooked breakfast; for him. He got the plate and placed it in the microwave to heat it up. While waiting for it to finish, he got went back to his room and got his phone. He left the note on his desk and checked his snapchat. His streaks were doing fine. 

He placed his phone down on the table and got a cloth to support the now hot plate of curry. He placed it right infront where he was going to seat. He got the water out and a glass. He didn't want to stand up for that. 

He blew the spoonful of food to cool it down and once he tasted it, it was heaven. The meat kinda melted in your mouth, the flavor covered most part of your mouth and all that good stuff. Lance finished it before he even knew it. Lance could eat whatever Keith cooked every single day. 

Just as Lance was transferring his dirty dishes to the sink, he noticed that the trash bin looked a bit full. He opened it and saw a lot of failed curry attempts, boxes, instructions and the like. He felt the effort Keith did just to make it up to him.

He decided to get the garbage out of the house. He got the plastic bag and dragged it all the way down, down, down and into the garbage bin.

He went back to his room and when he checked his phone, he realized he didn't take a picture of the curry for his streak and story.


Keith didn't sleep that morning anymore. He wanted to make it up to Lance in a less showy way and that is to cook breakfast. Lance doesn't have to know that Keith wanted to do it for fun and act as if they were together. No, all Keith wants is for Lance to understand his perspective about the problem and forgive him. Nothing else. Why would there be something else when hE DIDN'T CELEBRATE KEITH'S DISCHARGE- Okay, that's enough of that. 

After how many failed attempts, Keith managed to get a decent and good tasting curry for once. He placed it on a plate and covered it with plastic so that Lance could heat it up when he wakes up. Just so it would't look too romantic, he also left a note. (A/N: So not romantic, I know. I'm not sure if I wrote this with sarcasm even, up to you guys AHAHAHA)

With that all done, Keith got a quick shower and changed into his sports wear and headed out for a jog.

[A/N: I'm so sorry I don't updtae much, it's just that I really have no idea where this book is heading but I've got an ending in mind, I just have to think of ideas on how to build to that. Any suggestions would be well appreciated:))]

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