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Bukan update, mian✌💕

Dikhususkan untuk sahabat ter.eek saya, @kokokoro syg💕
Asli, gw lupa tgl ultah lo😄 cuma inget bulannya aja. Itu juga krn gw inget nama mak lo😄 ah bacrod, lngsng ae💦

Happy Birthday Koro!! Wish you all the best!! Wish lainnya... semoga sehat trs, makin canci, makin mancung, jgn tinggi2 weh. Truss, hope you can be a better person. Ojo sombong, stay humble. Ojo nakal, stay alim.(Alimm opooo). Truss, semoga cepat dapat cemewew. Jgn ndiri trs😄 udh itu ae. Wish you all the best!!(2) lah pokoknya💞💞

So sorry bc i.m not there. So sorry bc i can.t gives you a gift. Gpp y? Y. I think it.s not enough. I promise, insyaAllah, i will gives you something some day. Then, actually, this ff is the one of the gifts that i want to gives you:) i.ll be there, immediately✌

All i want for you is— happiness!! *lalalalalalalalalala

(☝ngomong opoooo)

Once again, happy brojol day Koro! Ingat, umurmu sdh berkurang😄💞

Lop, H❤

NAMSAN (kjh)✔ [SELESAI]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang