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YOU DIDN'T ASK HIM??" Louis yells as soon as the last school bell rings.

"He is probably interest in someone else" Zayn shrugs and throws the strap of his bag over his shoulder.

"Someone else? How can you be so sure?"

"He said he is waiting for someone"

Louis press his lip in a thin line and every feature of his face tightens in anger "and someone happens to be Zayn Malik"

Zayn bitterly laughs sits on one of the abandoned chairs, facing his annoyed short friend "whats the possibility?"

"From 0-10? 11!!!" Louis snorts that had Zayn roll his eyes.

"I find it irritating" Zayn  glares at his now bandaged wrist "makes me look vulnerable"

"Hey! dont eve-" before Louis can complete his words Zayn stripped his bandage off, smirking at the exposed wrist.

"It doesn't look that bad" Zayn fists his hand and slowly opens it, repeating the same process until he is sure that the pain is bearable.

"Zee, you got an internal injury- it looks fine but atleast let it heal co-"

"I am Okay" Zayn stubbornly points and hops down the chair, making his way out of the empty class.

"I gotto meet up with Niall so I'll see you at the base? Or are you still grounded?"

"Harry will be there, right?"


"I'll see you then!"

Louis nods and runs towards the library. Zayn looks at his best friend until he out of sight and smiles to himself, rethinking Louis' words... It can't be that wrong, right? Its just a dance he is asking but again it might lead Liam towards something even he is not sure of.

He softly sighs, dropping the matter of asking Liam and starts walking towards the exit when a group of three boys stops him.

"Zayn!" One of the guy he recall as Oliver calls his name in a pleased tone "Dude we need some help in he assembly hall- you know for all the prom decoration. Can you?"

"Not interested" Zayn retorts and steps aside when he hears one of the sigh and mutter an exhausted growl

"If this doesn't go well- my girlfriend will be so disappointed"

Zayn smirks and turns back to the boys "I think I got some spare time! What would you like me to do?"

The boy's face lits up as they guide Zayn towards the assembly room.

"Hey watch out the ladder- one of its pole is weak" he hears a loud warning as he enters the big assembly hall. With all the whatsoever chairs removed- it looked humongous and Zayn had his eyes stuck at the chandelier arranged in middle of hall.

Now he cant keep the thought of him and Liam dancing just down it.... long lost in each other, smiling, talking, having one decent talk they both have been dying for.

"Hey Zee- help me with the curtain box" one of the boy calls and tells him to lift the heavy box. Though he felt an inch of pain rushing back to his wrist, he waved it off and kept the box where the boy wanted it.

After a while, many students crowded in for help and by that time Zayn was exhausted, his hand buzzing in constant ache. He regretted taking off his bandage in every possible way.

"AAAAAAAAAA" A high pitched cry alerted Zayn's instincts and he snapped his head to find the ladder balancing a guy on it.

"Shit!!!" Zayn runs to him and just when the ladder was about to slip on its base, he used he back to support the falling metal and grabbed the poles with hands, his wrist coming in high pressure as he pushes the ladder back stable.

Strip It OffWhere stories live. Discover now