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(*Sorry for the delay... surprisingly still doing better than the authors in my library*)

Zayn stands still with his eyes stuck on ticking clock and rain smashing the glass, only him watching the rolling time and water to realise how fucked up he is right now.

He was not sure how to react when he received the call, his uncle slipping the ground from his feet.

'We are going home, Zayn!'

Those four words held more deeper meaning to him than it would've been to anyone else. It was two years since he last saw his 'home' and two years of running, hidding.

'Your mother is alive'

He was not even sure if he could breathe after hearing those words.... His mother was alive and never reached him from last years? Why? How? So many unaswered questions yet for some odd reason got him stuck on his feet.

He couldn't dare to tear his eyes from the clock- couldn't stop himself from thinking about what's to come and what he is doing with his life.

Him returning is the death of Deadpool... apart of him is happy and the other part is creating a pit of uneasiness in his stomach.

"I knew I would find you here" Louis' voice tears the awful silence, pulling him out of his dark cloud of thoughts "Uncle Steve wants you to return back to Cape Hill, you know the base camp of Malik Emp."

Zayn hums and turns around to continue his watch and he would've loved to keep doing that but Louis was stubborn to realise Zayn's situation.

"I went to your house- found it wrecked" Louis trails off "All bullets holes in the wall, broken windows and smashed doors!! I was relieved to find the you took Deadpool's suit with up- I mean imagine the troubles that would've bought and I had to find you, I knew you were here and I am gla-"

"What are you doing here?" Zayn sharp voice shuts his babbling.

"I-I left my home" Louis shrugs "Da- Mr.Stark kicked me out... He fucking think I sold his data to someone- and I'm risking your life... I-I wanted to make sure you're fine"

"I am fine, you can leave"

"First of all, I ain't leaving so fuck you and whats up with the pissy mood"

"Glad you noticed"

Louis rolls his eyes and flops down the ground, pulling out this laptop "You know, I was thinking about these magnifying lenses that can help Deadpool in good vision" he informs, trying to dissolve the conversation in something he prefers or is comfortable in... anything that will distract Louis from his aching heart but he wasn't knowing Zayn is dealing with his own worries and heart aches.... which kinda turned out not in his favour.

"It doesn't matter, Louis......." Zayn mutters and for a while the room dies in only the click sound the running clock "I'm going home with uncle"

"Bullshit" Louis snickers but on realising that Zayn his not moving, he knew Zayn is serious. "Zayn.... you know leaving means no deadpool right?"

"I do"

"Dude" Louis abandons his laptop and stands, slowly walking to Zayn "you can't do this..... its my getaway, Zayn.... I-I spent my days and nights on this not for you to abandon it"

"Lou I know Deadpool is a great deal for you but I have to go.... I-I cant run away from this.... I have to go"

"Dont forget where you belong, Zayn" Louis warns, his eyes filling tears "You belong here... Two years back when we first met- I didn't had a reason to stick around but you gave me one by saying you're Deadpool and now that its my only way to pro-"

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