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"You did what????" Louis yells at the top of his lungs as soon as he stops his car infront of their school "YOU KISSED SPIDER-MAN? THE GUY YOU DESPISE?"

"Shhhh" Zayn hushes and rubs his forehead "I don't despise him"


"Look" Zayn sighs "I've no idea why I did it!! He-He was just- he had this pout and it was raining- he was wet and-"

"And you got desperate" Louis sharply opens his door and slams it close loudly.

"Hey Louis, wait!!" Zayn follows behind "Why are you so mad?"

Louis abruptly stops on his feet and turns his heel "because I fucking thought you like Liam- like seriously??"

"I do like him Louis I j-"

"Save it, Malik" Louis dismisses "See you after biology"

"Lou-" Zayn eats his word when Louis turns around and walks away. He sighs in defeat and wanders in the almost going empty corridor alone. After a while he spotted a very familiar blonde fiddling his locker keys.

"Niall!!" Zayn loudly calls and goes to him. Well, they are not really friends but Niall is friends with Louis and they share the same first class so why not walk with him?

"Malik" Niall smiles at him, a very bright sunshine smile like he is thrilled to see Zayn, and that kinda scared him because he dont really know the blonde beau.

"Umm Hi"

"Hey... how are you? Where's Lou?"

"He went for his first class" Zayn awkwardly scratches the back of his neck "umm we share the same class too, right?"

"From last 6 months? Yes" Niall chuckles and closes his locker "anyway heard you were out of town... where?"

"Bradford" Zayn easily lies since he was all prepared with the reason.

"Kool place" Niall starts walking, signalling Zayn to company him.

"I dont wanna sound rude but you see I- umm" Zayn clears his throat and sighs "I've been missing the whole calculus and seriously that subject is fucking hard"

Niall chuckles and hums in agreement "It is and Louis is great in it"

"He is but he talks math not explain it"

Niall laughs and shakes his head "maybe"

"So I was wondering if you're free and I can catch up a little?"

"You have to buy me lunch" Niall smirks on seeing Zayn widen his eyes.

"Yea sure.... anything"

"So meet me in lunch! We can eat and study" Niall suggest and Zayn was more than happy to agree.

They both entered their first class which happens to be English and Zayn knew very well who else shared this class with him.

"Hey Liam" Niall waves him the second they enter and Zayn wants to hide himself or maybe turn into a puddle.

Niall sits beside Liam and Zayn helps himself on Niall's other side. He could hear Niall's and Liam's conversation and maybe he is not wrong when he feels Liam's eyes on him because the minute he turns his head, his eyes meets Liam's and suddenly it was too much. Zayn quickly looks away and after didn't dared to look again.

A pit of guilt increasing with every passing second. He always knew he liked Liam- he liked him more than anything but that stupid spider-boy just have to mess everything.

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