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(*So iz it just me or Louis Stark really sounds dead kool!!

Nd OmG!!!! Back to You iz fucking lit🔥🔥🔥 my baby smashed it!! Totally smashed it!!*)

Zayn rubs his hands nervously under the table as he watches Liam's lips wrapped around his coffee straw, sexual tension continuously rising between and Zayn totally blames Harry for putting things in his head.

"So...... h-how are you?" Zayn asks making Liam chuckle. He moves more in his seat and grants Zayn an admirable look.

"For the fifth time... I'm good- I've never been this good"

Zayn weakly nods and bites his inner lip on realising how nervous he is getting but one look on Liam's shaky fingers as he grabs his coffee again waves a ray of relief over his body.

'So he is nervous too'

Zayn grins and with over whelming confidence moves closer to the table, his knee knocking Liam's, just on touch Liam raises his eyes on Zayn.

"So tell me, Liam!!" Zayn asks "Are you- I mean- would you...."

His confidence crushing down as Liam's entire attention comes to him- okay! He wasn't asking for all the attention....... now Liam was boring his eyes in him and Zayn was very very sweaty.

"H-how do you like the whole idea of dating a- umm super hero?" Zayn finally breathes out.

Liam widens his eyes but soon softens them and sips on his coffee "Terrible"

And Zayn was about to choke on his drink "T-Terrible" he asks, just to assure himself.

"Yea......" Liam agrees, he munches on his muffin and continues "Terrible- I mean I will be dead worried for him, my mind always running about all the bad consequences that can happen to him... about all his enemies...- thats too much- That's will be terrible!!"

Zayn eyes drops to his hands as a weak smile appears on his lips "yea- that won't be worth"

"But you know.." Liam continues "It will actually be terribly good"

"Huh?" Zayn lifts his face, his eyes instantly meeting Liam's.

"It will be an honour to date a guy who wants to help others.. dont you think? ofcourse I'll be worried but I dont wanna miss out the perks of waiting for him to return home and kiss him senseless when he does---"

Oh and now Zayn can totally imagining that happen......... and he is liking evry bit of it.

"And?" Zayn urges.

"And I can always scold him for being careless- and I'll be one the right side......... like all the time"

Zayn laughs softly and shakes his head in disbelief.

"But above all" Liam's voice turns in a small whisper... as if he is telling that in awe "I'll be so proud of him.... and Proud to call him mine!"

"Yea.... that- that will be awesome" Zayn agrees and they fall in a comfortable silence until Zayn speaks up again "I have something to tell you, Liam" he tells him, making his mind up to finally share his secret.

"Yeah?" Liam softly smiles and rest his hand under his chin as he leans on his elbow "who would you date, Zayn? I mean... will you date a super hero? Would you date me- if I was some- umm sort of a hero"

"I'll date you regardless who you are" Zayn sincerely replies in a second making Liam's eyes go wide in shock.

"I-I mean..... yea.... maybe... and there's a rumoured Deadpool and Spider man in town..... heroes behind mask"

"Yeah" Liam silently agrees and admires the beauty infront of him "So who's your favourite? Among them?"

"Oh" Zayn arches his eyebrow "I-I will date Deadpool" he replies. Ofcourse Zayn said Deadpool... he wanted to see what Liam thinks about his secret identity so he continues "I like him more... H-He is nice.... very kind and hum-"

"Ppfftt" Liam makes a sound of disapproval and that shocked Zayn to his roots. "Deadpool is anything but that- he is arrogant- he is rude- he is very very self centred!!"

Zayn arches both his eyebrows as his throat dries up to even utter a word.

"I'm telling you" Liam stiffened in his place "Deadpool ain't a dating material.... I like Spider-man more... he is more- down to earth and gentle and civilized an-"

"And annoying" Zayn completes his sentence "No way Spider-man is better than Deadpool..... I mean Deadpool is definitely cooler, Liam" he brags, sounding desperate to convince Liam to like him.

"I'll date Spider-man over Deadpool any day!! Y-You don't like spider-man?" Liam nervously asks, his fingers trembling more than ever.

"I don't like him.... I-I prefer Deadpool"

"Ohh" Liam softly grasps "I-I will date Spider-Man but not Deadpool..... You should give Spider-man a chance..."

Zayn's eyes turns num on hearing that. Now what??? Liam does not like him but his rival.... what can he do about it now???

But if only he knew Liam was thinking just the same...

They both sat there silently... lost in their own world until Liam got a call from Tony, informing him about Spider-man's assistance and Liam had to excuse himself.........

And Zayn took it as his fault- as in he made Liam uncomfortable and Liam looked for a reason to leave him.... to ditch him.... but soon Harry's call needing Deadpool for a road crash and illegal smuggling distracted him from his miserable thoughts.

(*Sorry for a small chptr... but I'll update soon... i promise... Im not lying this time...*)

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